Requiem Arc
Matt Pniewski
Testicular Diabeetus
freelance lover
Testicular Diabeetus
What's the role and purpose of sex? Just between man and wife? Between two married partners? One night stands are awesome? For pleasure or procreation?
I think it is for reproduction and pleasure. One night stands are stupid and pointless, also careless, I mean that is how people get STD's and other stuff. e.e
I think it should be between a married couple, or a couple that has been together for a long time.
Like for instance me and my fiancée have been together for two years, we do it but we are careful, if I were to get pregnant we would be mature about it, not abort it, we have talked about this.
If you have questions feel free to ask.

So would you consider abortion the immature option? Or is it just something you and your fiancé have discussed as not being an option for you guys?

Abortion is murder.
That baby is a living human, and aborting it is the easy way out of the problem.
Children are a gift from God.
It is not an option for us, not at all.
But I do consider adoption if we cant afford it.
And if we are ready we will keep it.

Two things- A Child is not a "Problem", nor is abortion an easy decision. I have a friend who made that choice, and it hurt her to have to make that choice, and she regrets it every day of her life. It's not easy for people, like a lot of pro life people want to think. It's not a matter of "Well, I'm pregnant, but hell, I can get an abortion." It's NEVER that simple. Pro Life people need to realize that.

And by treating people who consider Abortion as a possibility as potential killers, you aren't helping your point. People don't want to listen to you, because for the most part, the pro life movement is full of short sited, religiously fanatic, irritating jerks who think that an aborted fetus looking gross is a good argument against Abortion.

Of course, I've made this clear- I call myself prochoice only because I do not support legislation on the issue. I rather simply push Planned Parenthood, push contraception, get rid of Abstinence only education, and Abortion will be gone simply without the need for it. You make it illegal, what happens? It still happens, just out of sight, out of mind. It doesn't REALLY help.

While I think your right for some people who are "pro-life" (such a biased term), that is not necessarily true for all of them. I'm sure you didn't mean it that way but I think there is another to the pro-life side.

for example, I'm not exactly "pro-life" in the sense that I think abortions should never be committed, nor am I "pro-choice" in the sense that I think people can choose whether or not to have an abortion. If I had to throw a label on what I am I would call it "condition determined". It breaks down like this, I define a fertilized human embryo as a human life, period. If you don't that's fine but my entire viewpoint is centered on this fact. Therefore, since I consider embryos human lives from a moral standpoint I cannot just accept abortions as ok, nor can I say that I'm content to do nothing about it. again, from a moral standpoint I view not preventing a tragedy when one is able to through conscience choice the same as committing the tragedy itself. Therefore when it comes to abortions the only cases in which I could consider it alright to have one done is if the life of the mother is in danger from giving birth due to some condition and a C-Section is not an option. Outside of these cases I can find no grounds to support the legally approved murder of what I consider to be human beings. I'm not saying its not a terrible choice for the people making, nor that they do not regret it and are scarred by it. I am simply that I can not, for moral reasons, simply say its ok to allow someone to kill an unborn child for whatever various reasons they may choose to do so. I understand many people do not consider embryos lives (and that in many cases this makes it no easier on them) but as stated before this is where my view comes from. I honestly think that if a girl does not want to have a child she should put it up for adoption, I know this isn't a perfect solution, but I consider it much better than the alternative. Furthermore, while I think your right that if we were to make it illegal it would cause many problems from illegal attempts I think that as a society we could limit that if we devote resources to making having the child (and preparing to give it up) as painless a process as possible, if we can intercept women's reasons for having abortions with better reasons to release the child into some kind care system than I think the illegal abortion issue would be drastically reduced. Again this is just my view on things, as I don't really find comfortable footing with either side.

To clarify, rather than make abortions illegal I would suggest a law in which the only cases where clinical abortions are allowed are situations where giving birth to the child will almost certainly kill the mother. Other than that I would suggest the construction of a much more expansive adoption and foster-care system that would alleviate the problems that would cause illegal abortions to take place.

Not all pro life people are as I described, but nobody's exactly trying to seperate themselves. I believe that legislation is foolish and short sighted, and that instead of playing with the idea of legislation (which won't happen, because politicians love the fact that there are people who will ONLY vote on that issue) creating a world where it's minimal, or downright doesn't exist, through safe sex, through proper education, and through a better adoption program. Many religious fanatics want to keep homosexuals from adopting. That's a large group of people who WANT kids, who WANT to take that responsibility, being shut out. Heck the red tape for adoption in America is quite the joke anyway. Fix adoption. Better education. Better Birth Control. This is the reason abortion rates dropped, and why they will continue to drop

But here's the issue.

A baby was referred to as a problem. There is a thread here that refers to a baby as punishment.

Man, prolife people seem to devalue the fetus alot more than the people who identify it as an incomplete collection of cells now, don't they?

I'm completely opposed to all abortions after the first trimester, but I also know that statistically, that's usually when most are performed, and that late term abortion is extremely rare. Good. Let's make all of it rare. We need to focus on making people no longer see the necessity as opposed to trying to keep people from doing it. This is the only way to truly get rid of it, and the Pro Choice people will completely agree with this philosophy as well.