Which one do you think is better?

Neko Cove
heart This Role Play takes place in a secluded Cove in Japan. Many Neko who inhabit the area come here in search of people who will not take them for granted. Here in this Cove love evenings take place, sparks fly and Nekos find a happy place. However, not all is alright. Humans keep advancing and threaten to destroy the cove to make a public beach, and have deployed hunters to destroy the Neko race from the beach...and with them, possibly the world itself. The Role Play takes place when Neko's life are threatened by Hunter's and many young friends and couples are being destroyed and sadness floods over the beach. When will the humans stop destroying the cove, and will love be found over both sides...? A tale of confusion, fighting, and love...
when will it end?

Cats Eyes In the Moon
Ņšnce in old tymes,it was said that cats were once people,people with magical powers,gifts and abilities. But due to a certain spell casted on them by evil,the people were changed to four legged felines. Years and years of pain and suffering happened for them until the realized there was a flaw in their curse. Upon every full moon,the cats could change to their original human forms,but on night of the quarter moon,they are in human for but have a tail,ears and their cat eyes.
As they came to realize this flaw,the looked more into their curse to find out that there was to be a year of nothing but full moons,that tyme is soon,but not soon enough The elder told the cats they have a choice to either stay a cat when then year is over or remain human. Now you are among the cats,what will your choice be. Feline or Human? Let your instincts decide.