
People see my candy coated outside
And full of its candy goodness
Yet what is not seen can lash back
100 times fold.

Hell has no limit to its fury
A woman's scorn can not
Be measured by no mere
Man or mortal alive.

The blood is on the walls
It can not be removed with just
A damp rag and a pail of some
Soapy water

You see the lifeless body
Stuck on the wall with the
Crimson blood that was there
Yet its all dried up now

You can't get the blood off the walls
It will always remain in the minds
Of those who were there and that
Were outside looking in.

Who cares?
It was worth the enjoyment
I'd do it again in a heartbeat
It was well worth the punishment

Yet is it really torture if you enjoy it so?
The pain I'm going though
May be tortue to some
But; in my mind its heaven.
And I'm enjoying every second of it.