My Truth.
-thoughts that i wish weren't there with me all the time..and there contradictions-

I want to go home,
I want to hug my dad,
I want to Be happy,
I want to Trust again....

I don't have a home,
i hate my dad
i don't want to be happy
i will never trust them.

I want to stop Cutting,
I want to stop puking,
I want to laugh,
I want to love

I like the way it feels,
I am to fat, i cant stop,
I am not happy enough to laugh,
i have no one left to love

I miss my mum i want to hug her,
The hospital will help me,
I want to not be sick anymore,
I want to live,

I will never see my mum again,
I wont come out if i go back in,
The only thing i have control over is my sickness,
I really want to die

I don't know what to do, im so lost, ...yer..i just don't know anymore stressed