What is RolePlaying?

It's just like writing a story with other people. You each have your own character and elements within the story that you control. No one else can control your character in any way unless you give them permission.

That's stupid! Wouldn't it be easier just to write your own story?

Sometimes, yes. But for someone who enjoy's writing, it gives them a chance to read anothers writing style and actually be interested enough to read it. This can help improve your own writing style to make it even better. Wouldn't you rather read something else's creation having their own reaction yours without your manipulating the story yourself? I sure would!

Are there any limits to RolePlaying?

When it comes to plots, absolutely not! You can come up with the craziest idea, and as long as other people are interested, you can use that idea to create a RolePlay. When it comes to posting, there are a few rules which can be seen in the Rules Thread, but most is fair game! When it comes to characters, there are rules as well, just to make sure everyone is on a level playing field. (That and Mary-Sues are no fun at all!)

What kind of Genre can you RolePlay?

Any kinds at all! Everyone has their own preference when it comes to the genre. Horror, Romance, Fantasy, or even just plain realistic stuff. Anything is fair game as long as you can play it out without breaking any rules!

Do I have to write a certain amount to be allowed to RolePlay?

As long as you can write a complete sentence, you can RolePlay! Some people have rules as to how long your posts have to be, so watch out for that.

What are the average levels for RolePlaying?

Non-literate, Semi-Literate, Literate, Advanced-Literate and Lazy Advanced Literate are all the kinds that I am aware of.

What is Non-Literate?

Non-literate is the lowest level and can be defined as a very short post, mostly only a sentence or so. Sometimes the grammar is horrid, or sometimes the post may be long, but it is poorly written. Something like the quoted text below would be considered Non-Literate.

Sally was walking her dog. Sally sat down on a bench. Sally said hi to her friend Bob and let her dog run around the park.
Sample was written specifically for this FAQ.

What is Semi-Literate?

Semi-Literate is the second level and can be defined as one or two paragraphs with decent grammar and quality. Something like the quoted text below would be considered Semi-Literate.

Sally's dog, Spot, barked as they ran down the sidewalk towards the park. When they got there, Sally sat down on the bench. She was tired because she had ran all the way from her house to the part. She let Spot off the leash to go run around the park with the other dogs. Across the field, Sally saw her friend, Bob. "Hi, Bob!" She called as she waved.

Sally stood up from the bench and went over to stand next to Bob. "How are you today, bob" She asked him.
Sample was written specifically for this FAQ.

What is Literate?

Literate is the third level and can be defined as two plus paragraphs with correct grammar and good quality. Something like the quoted text below would be considered Literate.

Anami smiled as Kiyen switched to first name, informal basis. It fit Anami much better. She smiled. "That's all I ask." She said, and then noticed something about him that she hadn't before. She stood there for a moment, before taking a small step back and placing her hands on her hips. She stood there for the longest time, just staring at him. He seemed pretty tense and a bit nervous about something. She could tell there was a lot of stuff going through his mind at the moment, just by looking at his purple eyes. Oh, that color always distracted Anami. Purple was a nice color. It was her second favorite color actually. Second to sky blue of course. But back to Kiyen. She smirked and threw her arm around his shoulders.

"Don't be so tense Kiyen!" She said laughing. She took her arm from around him and placed them on her hips. "At least not all the time. Lighten up a little." She sighed, even if he didn’t want to. he seemed to take everything she said as an order, which was no fun. Anami smirked as she saw his reaction to question. First he stuttered a bit, and then he started to blush. Anami would have just said "I don't care" in his position, being the indecisive person she was, but Kiyen wasn't. When Kiyen suggested food, it reminded her that was had been hunger and her face lit up. But then he turned his head down as if he had said something wrong. Anami got a puzzled look on her face, but then remember what Kiyen has suggested. Her face lit up again and she linked arms with Kiyen. "Yes, food! Let's go eat." Hopefully Kiyen had some money on him, though, because Anami certainly didn’t. Unfortunately there was no such thing as 'TakiKage's Discount' which would be nice, but… Oh well.

She started off in the direction of her favorite restaurant, the one with the waterfall in the back. They had some good food! And it wasn't that expensive either. Anami would just have to pay back Kiyen when they got back to her office the next day. She was not stepping foot in there on her day off that was for sure. It seemed like that's what always happened though. Kiyen would pay for whatever Anami was buying and then she would (or wouldn’t, she would forget sometimes, and Kiyen never felt the need to remind her) pay him back later.
Sample was written for a Naruto guild Roleplay.

What is Advanced-Literate?

Advanced-Literate is the fourth level and is the level with the longest posts. The quality is great, and the grammer is perfect (except for the occasional typo). Something like the quoted text below would be considered Advanced-Literate.

The first thing Aoi heard was a young girl's cry. Aoi shook her head around, looking for where the sound had come from. It was the small Arrancar child from behind. She seemed to be on the ground, clutching her now bleeding, and crying that they had done a mean thing. It hadn't been directed at her, so how was it mean? She wasn't serious, she couldn't be. She was acting, she had to be. Jolteon's attack couldn't have caused damage to her. What was this for? Before Aoi could do anything, the red haired one, Kazuya, she thought, came into the room, stepping over the child Arrancar and heading to his seat. He didn't even seem to care that she was hurt; he even seemed to scold her in a way.

The blonde one from the other side of the room that had been looking over Aoi before started to speak then, apologizing for the Arrancar's rude behavior. Guests? Is this what he calls being guests? They were no guests. There was way too much hostility in the air for that. Aoi turned her head, as Akai started to speak then, insulting Uncas's power. What did she mean by "the strongest would lead"? Uncas was the strongest. Aoi wasn't any stronger, Mishiko wasn't any stronger, Chi wasn't any stronger, Kenzo wasn't any stronger and Naiya wasn't any stronger. So what was she talking about? Who was she talking about?

Uncas started to speak then, but he was interrupted by another voice. That voice… it was so familiar… She looked toward the source, someone was behind Akai, and he had hidden in the shadows until now. Aoi hadn't even noticed his spiritual pressure until now. She had been so distracted by everything going on in the room that she had either just not noticed, or threw it off as some Arrancar. But as soon as Aoi got a good look at this person stepping out from the shadows, she knew exactly who it was. It had been over 530 years since she had seen him, but it didn’t matter. Although he did look a bit different, since the last time Aoi saw him he was much younger, and he wasn’t a Kitsune, but it didn’t matter. She instantly recognized him as her own flash and blood, her own brother.

Uncas asked what he was doing with the Espada and to be honest, Aoi wanted to know as well. Better yet, what was he doing as a Kitsune? Aoi didn't even know he was alive. When he started to speak… She couldn't believe her ears. Uncas had done what? But Uncas was… He had… Aoi was very confused. Very, very confused. Uncas suddenly darted at Kiyen with his Aether, but Kiyen had suddenly disappeared as well. He appeared in front of Aoi, taking hold of her face and leaning his forehead on hers. She stared, wide-eyed, at his face as he stood there for a moment, taking in everything about him. He let go for a moment, before looking her over and turning her face side to side, seeing if she was alright. When he saw that she was, he turned his attention back to Uncas.

He started to speak again, insulting him, calling him weak. He even said that Kenzo could defeat Uncas. He unraveled Uncas's ability, calling out its weakness, and as soon as he was done speaking, the two launched themselves at each other. Kiyen was dodging everyone of Uncas's hits, but finally, he got a hit him. He slammed his fist into Kiyen's stomach, causing Kiyen to spit up blood. The hit even caused the floor to shake a little. The blood that Kiyen spit up landed on Uncas's Hoshi no Tama. But… for being hit so hard, Kiyen looked awfully strange. Like he had this entire battle won just because of that. Did the blood on Uncas's hoshi- Suddenly, Aoi's thoughts were disrupted as she heard the sound of glass cracking. She knew what that sound was. It wasn't a good sign. Uncas stopped as he was about to punch Kiyen again, and looked at his Hoshi no Tama. It had a hole straight through. Uncas cried out in pain and fell to the ground, crying for the pain to stop. He started cry blood and he reached out for Kenzo, but Kiyen stomped down his arm, growling at him.

As gory and horrible as this was, Aoi couldn't take her eyes off it. She couldn't blink, and she couldn't move. She was frozen in place with wide eyes. Kiyen started to speak again, yelling at Uncas for being no leader, tricking the Kitsune and how he kept Kiyen away from Aoi. Uncas did that? But Aoi knew Uncas. He wouldn't do that… would he? Before Aoi could doubt her thoughts and feelings about Uncas anymore, Kiyen grabbed him by his long silver hair, and slammed his face into the ground. Aoi couldn't take it any longer. She fell on her hands and knees, her eyes never leaving Uncas. Over and over again, Kiyen slammed Uncas's head into the ground. Aoi couldn't listen to Uncas's screams anymore, and her own mind drowned it out automatically. All sounds were gone, she couldn't hear anything.

But Kiyen wasn't done yet. That wasn't enough. He grabbed Uncas's already broken Hoshi no Tama and Aoi's eyes widened. She knew what he was going to do, even before he spoke. She couldn't take it anymore. "No!" She screamed, but it was no use. In the next moment, Kiyen shattered Uncas's Hoshi no Tama in little pieces. Aoi's right hand came up from the floor, reaching toward Uncas, but it dropped and she cringed, finally able to close her eyes, as he screamed. When all the sounds were gone, and the room was quiet, she opened her eyes once more, and looked at the scene in front of her. Before she knew it, her cheeks were soaked with tears, and they continued to flow freely from her eyes. On the ground a few feet away…

She should have done something. Everything was her fault. If she had been looking out for herself, and the other Kitsune, better at the bridge… She would have never been taken to Hueco Mundo, the Kitsune would have never come after her, and Uncas… If she had just been more careful they would all be home having fun together. Eating lunch or dinner or playing a card game.

Someone may have said something after that, maybe Kiyen, but she didn't hear it. She couldn't hear anything right now. But she could see… There was a glint of something a foot or so away. She crawled over to it and picked it up in her hand. She looked down at her hand, and what she had found just made the tears flow harder. In her hand, may have been the largest piece of what was left of Uncas's Hoshi no Tama. It was silver, and all the inner light had faded from it. But on the smooth edge that had been the former outer edge… Was a star. The one and only star on Uncas's Hoshi no Tama. She rocked back on her knees, and sat Indian style on the floor. She plucked her own Hoshi no Tama from her choker, and at that moment, she wanted to tear a piece out, and fit Uncas's in there, but that wouldn't help anything. She would just hurt herself.

She looked between her two hands, one with her own Hoshi no Tama and one with the shard from Uncas's. She didn't look up from the ground. She just sat there. She couldn't look at anyone else. Nasune spoke then, acting like it was nothing. Maybe to the Espada it was nothing, but to the Kitsune… Couldn't they respect that? Uncas had been their best friend, their leader, and they all had all trusted and love him, in one way or another. She wanted to scream. She returned her Hoshi no Tama to her choker and stood up from the ground, clutching the shard of Uncas's Hoshi no Tama in her hand. She turned to face, but there was nothing happy in her face. Her eyes were bloodshot, but the tears kept flowing, she couldn’t stop them. The rest of her face… The look on her face was pure anger."You *******! You have no right to say anything about Uncas! No one can say anything-" Aoi was on a rampage, but she couldn't keep up her anger. She feel back to the floor on her hands and knees, sobbing, a pool of tears forming below her face.

Everything else was drowned out. She didn't acknowledge anything. She was ignoring Kiyen, and the one time she had snuck a look at Kenzo, he looked at her with hate. And Nasune… how dare he say that. Chi and Mishiko weren't here. She couldn't rely on anyone anymore. The Kitsune were broken up now. Uncas had been what was holding them together, obviously. He was like the marshmallow in the s'more between the gram cracker and the chocolate. Without the marshmallow… There wasn't a s'more. There just wasn't.

In her right hand, she clutched the piece of Uncas's Hoshi no Tama. She was never giving that up. She needed it to keep her sanity. That was that.
Sample was written for Bleach; Lost Requiem A Guild RolePlay by Sailor Ily.

What is Lazy Advanced-Literate?

Lazy Advanced-Literate an extra level, that not people count. It's basically just like Advanced, save for the posts are shorter. The quality is great, and the grammer is perfect (except for the occasional typo). (Fun Fact! I am considered Lazy Advanced Literate!) Something like the quoted text below would be considered Lazy Advanced-Literate.

Cho Min often went to bed without eating dinner, and these... Food-less nights let to food-filled dreams. But the food in her dream refused to cooperate and kept running away. In the dream world, she was running after the food, yelling at it in pure anger. She was hungry, damn it, and she wanted to eat the delicious looking cookie. The fresh chocolate chip cookie with the melted (and still dripping) chocolate, that was still warm.

Now, while this was all fun and happy in the dream world, the real world was much crueler. For as Cho Min lunged for the cookie, her arm flew out from under her comforter and her whole body lurched and was sent tumbling off the edge of the bed. Cho Min screeched as she fell from the bed and felt her head hit the ground. She felt the rest of her body shake with the impact and she was sure that whoever was in the room below her must of heard her head hit the ground, and their celing must have shook with the impact. "Son of a - !" She screeched, her body jumping up to sitting position as she grabbed her head. A moment later, her stomach growled. Well, it was more of a howl then a growl.

Momentarily forgetting about the continuing pain in her head, she focused on the pain of hunger building in her stomach. Was there enough time for breakfast before class? She glanced up at the clock and jumped to her feet. Four fifteen?! It took her at least five minutes to get to class, running or not, only leaving her about ten minutes to get ready. "s**t!" She muttered under her breath as she ran to her bathroom. Doing all the needed things within the bathroom in a record time of five minutes (going to the bathroom, brushing her teeth and hair, and all the other necessities), she finished off her quick morning routine by running to her walk in closer, slamming the door behind her. Not only were her clothes in there, but all her needed school supplies. Although they were scattered all over the place, at least they were all in her closet. She put on some fast and easy clothes, a knee length, sleeveless blue dress with a black shrug jacket and a pair of black ballet flats.

Cho Min scrounged up all the school stuff she could find (for at least the classes before lunch) and shoved them inside her Pokemon back pack (it had Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres on the front, along with some words in Korean written on with permanent marker, most likely song lyrics). She threw the bag over her shoulder and then exploded out of the closet, shoving the light switch down and quickly grabbing her phone, iPod and room key off her bed side table before running to the door and throwing it open. She slammed the door behind her, locking it and then spriting off down the hall. She looked quickly at the clock on her phone only to see what she had dreaded. Less then five minutres until class started. "F F F F F F -" She chanted as she ran down the hall to the elevator. She attacked the up button with her finger, pressing it multiple times, although that helped none what-so-ever, and stood in front of the door muttered the words "come on, come on!" over and over again, as if it made the elevator move faster.

The elevator crept its way to Cho Min's floor and the doors seemed to open much slower then normal, much to Cho Min's constant urging, She jumped into the elevator, attacking the seven button like she had the other button, and then pressed the close door button. The doors closed slowly, and the elevator made its way up, and Cho Min felt like it was moving at an old man pace. She hopped in place, her sense of urgency filling her brain and making her freak out. There was a ding that filled the elevator, and the doors open. Before they were fully open though, when there was barely enough room for Cho Min to slip out, she bolted out, running toward the door of her class.

As soon as her hand hit the doorknob, a bell sounded and echoed down the hall way. Cho Min tore the door open and ran inside. She sat at the only open table, one near the back, a few tables back from Ha Ni. There were two other seats open at the table, there wasn't anyone sitting at it, except for the new resident of the table, Cho Min. She threw her bag down on the table and huffed as she sat down. Damn, only a few seconds late. New record! No, but really. Cho Min looked around as she took her book and binder out, and noticed the teacher was no where in sight. She sighed in relief, yes! No one to count her absent. She leaned back in her seat and took the water bottle that had been left in her bad since the night before. Cho Min had a feeling she would need it. She unscrewed the cap and took a long, big gulp. Her throat, which had been dry before, was now filled with the wonderful liquid that had no taste at all.

Ugh, next time she would take a bottle of Gatorade from the cafeteria or something.
Sample was written for Is It Delusional? A Forum RolePlay by echo ming.

Are there any other things/Rules I should keep in mind?

Yes, actually. If the plot was not written by you for a RolePlay, don't go around trying to change it. It's rude and it might upset the creator because it was not what they intended! Other then that... There's no more that I can think of! Every RolePlay has a different set of rules, though, so pay attention to those.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope it helped you understand a little about RolePlaying! If you any other questions, feel free to PM me or Dark Mistress Rissa! Happy RolePlaying!