You may not be a Christian, but I'm in a Christian band and need some help: I'm trying to write a song for the band about God being there for you. It's going to be something along the lines of darkness being all around and then light coming in and such. I've got a VERY rough draft of what I'm wanting. This should be enough to give you guys an idea or something. I'll show it to you so that you can read it and then change things up and add some stuff in, or something. It's going to be a fast, upbeat song. :] You can make up a tune in your head and post the lyrics here. Then I'll just try to figure out the tune or something. x] Unless YOU can sing. Then you can post it on YouTube and sing it for me. The band and I will put the music to it. :]

I didn't write this song. I threw-out some ideas for the song that got used, though. The song sucks pretty bad. I was hoping somebody could help me. :] I'll post this in other places around Gaia, as well.

Amensu Saje's Band's Song [Real Life]
© Copyright 2011
The users of OMG! have permission to change the lyrics and such but will be required to post them here and not steal the song!

Band name:: Boat14 [© Copyright 2011]

Song Name:: Unknown

Song Lyrics::

Verse 1:
I'm in this tunnel tryin' to find the light
It's so dark, there's no where to go
There's nobody here to cling to
There's nobody else around

Verse 2:
It's so dark, it's pretty scary
I just don't know where to turn
Things are lookin' kinda freaky
Things are lookin' kind of down

Verse 3:
But then I looked and saw this brightness
It was shining through the dark
The light and dark began to fight
The light was beating out the dark

The light had brought us victory
Then I heard the light say, "turn to me"
The Lord can bring you through the darkness
The Lord can bring you through your fear's
And the Lord can turn your life around