So, I'm starting off a new year and I want to lose weight. So I'm trying a different tactic. Each month, I want to set a resolution. It can vary or not.

So January, to kick things off, I'm trying to lose five pounds in the month. End of Jan is an anime convention that I am going to. I hope to look good for it. When I decided this, a few days before the new year, I was 170 pounds.

To further motivate myself, I decided on Sunday that if I can lose two pounds in this week, I'd get myself a reward. It's a bag that I want to order before Ohayocon so I have a really cute purse ^_^

So.. I have from Sunday through Saturday to lose two pounds which seemed possible and healthy if I don't binge and I exercise.

Well, today I'm at 168, goal. So I'm going to wait until Thursday or Friday to make sure I don't gain it back and buy the bag if I'm at 168 or lower.

I feel really motivated to see the number drop this fast. I'm trying to eat healthier and exercise on a regular basis. The regular basis part isn't going that well. I keep telling myself to work out after I get home from work but I'm usually too tired. But today I've got two days off so I'm going to try to stay active during both days.

I need to tell myself that if I can lose more than five pounds in this month, how nice that would be. That'd be an awesome way to start February..

But one step at a time.

Two pounds by Friday, five pounds by the end of Jan, treating myself to a bag and to Ohayocon.

I am unsure what I will be doing for my reward for Feb.

Oh, and I've given up soda and booze for Jan, at least until Ohayocon. I don't need that stuff and it's just empty calories. ^_^