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PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 8:17 pm
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I've been rather lax with roleplay as of late, if not completely negligent.
In an attempt to roleplay with new people and reinstate my interest in previously unused characters, I have created this plot thread.

I have been known to disappear on occasion in the past, and I tend to avoid roleplays i'm not interested in. I apologize in advance if this occurs, though please know that I will try to give you notice at least if I know RL will get hectic and sap any creative juices. ^.^;

That being said... please browse and see if there's any Soquili that catch your interest! heart

Soquili towards the top of the post are "Top Priority" and those I am currently actively seeking plots for.
However, I would love even just General RP for them as well!

Those listed further down are lower-priority and seek general RP. They will accept long-term plots if you really catch my interest. :'D

UNCERTS and sometimes more elaborate profiles can be found in my Teepee for those interested.

How To Contact Me:

- Preferred Method: PM
- AIM*: Down2Valhalla

* Please let me know through PM that you would like me to be logged in to AIM. xD

PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 8:25 pm
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Colts and Stallions for whom I am currently seeking plots or general RP.

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Will be grown IC at a later date. ^.^

Name: Kaie
Temper: Eternal
Status: FOAL.
Looking For: EVERYTHING! Friends, "foes," general encounters!

Plots most desired are those that extend into Adulthood! heart
- Long-term Friends (either gender)
- Foes and other Non-Friendly Encounters (either gender; primarily to see how he reacts to adversity)

Possesses a strong fighting spirit. Can be naive and innocent at times, never possessing his brother's logic and wisdom. Throws himself headlong into whatever task is at hand; passionate and dedicated, he would do anything for the ones he loves.
Adores his parents and siblings; strong family values. Would sacrifice himself for any one of them in an instant.

As he matures, he will become more refined in his manners and arts, though... exact personality is obviously yet to be determined. :'D

I would love to develop his personality more outside that which relates directly to his family.


- Constant Companion: Will meet as foals, therefore it is a necessity for your Soquili to be a fellow foal or Adult who may be RPed as a foal.

A very good friend, either gender, who either compliments or contrasts with his personality. Someone whom he may trust completely, who is not family. As they grow, their bond matures. They will be lifelong friends... unless something occurs to draw them apart.
This will be RP-ed out... any of his friend may end up being the Constant Companion, depending on the nature of their attachment and how they end up "growing together" (or apart)!
UP IN THE AIR as to exact path of this idea; i'd love a drama-filled plot just as much as a happy-ending one.

- Learning Experiences: Anything to quell his... naivety.

Can be either lessons in combat or life-lessons (taught on purpose or entirely by accident.)

- F... Family?- Anyone related to him, somewhere on that massive family tree.

General family RP is loved, though I am looking for someone blood-related to him whom he may... dislike. This would force him to evaluate his definition of "Family:" Does being blood-related to that sly/twisted/evil character mean they are family? Or is family a more selective bond?

Any truly vicious meetings would wait until he is a young-adult; no mental scarring as a vulnerable child please.

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Name: Eamonn
Temper: Seraphic
Status: 3/3 Breedings unused.
Currently listed in Master CC with America North.
Looking For: General RP or Knight/Noble Savior-oriented plots.

Generally a noble wanderer with family issues.

Looking for anything, primarily to flesh out his personality...



PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 8:30 pm
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Fillies and Mares for whom I am currently seeking plots or general RP.

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Name: Cheer
Temper: Pensive
Status: Young FOAL.
Looking For: RP, Plots, EVERYTHING. <3

The fifth and youngest child of loving parents Connor and Persephone.
Elder siblings Kian, Kailey, and Kaie were from the pair's first breeding; sibling Cedric was from the same term.

Tends towards moments of pensive silence, intermittent with sudden outbursts of lively enthusiasm. Can be extremely cheerful and lighten the mood considerably, or wallow in silent contemplation.

This intriguing filly has been known to halt mid-sentence, tilt her head as though listening to voices no-one else can hear, and wander off... only to bounce back a few moments later, picking up right where she left off. On a rare occasion, she doesn't come back at all... returning instead to her family at twilight, as if some internal survival mechanism acts to keep her away from the night's ill-wishers.

Although she adores her family and would never purposefully cause them any grievances, her... wanderings... do cause them considerable dismay.
Her brothers Kian and Kaie often orchestrate "shadow-walks" for her, taking turns trailing after her to lend aid if needed without letting their presence be known. They intend to keep her safe from harm; they do not wish to intrude on her freedom, and so after consulting with their father they decided this would be the best option. Persephone's familiar Deirdre accompanies whichever colt is "shadow-walking" to serve as a messenger should any trouble arise.

What exactly is she doing when she wanders off...?

... interacting?


- Hello again... : Someone whom she "goes off" to meet- perhaps at a particular time or a pre-determined place, after a chance encounter?
She would go off to see them throughout her foalhood. Adventures? Philosophical discussion? You decide!
Her brothers would trail after her, and so would at some point or another find out about these meetings. Would they confront the stranger? Wait until Cheer is out of sight before going up and asking who they are? How would your Soquili react?

One day, her parents decide to lead their foals on a journey to meet Connor's brother and father.
Obviously... no more planned meetings. :/
How does the pair handle this?
They can plan to meet later, or just say goodbye... It can continue into adulthood if they choose a new place at a different time, or one day her "secret companion" may disappear (if a foal, their family moves or they move off, like hers had. Or perhaps she returns and they fail to arrive.)


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Name: Persephone
Temper: Forlorn
Status: 1/3 Breedings Unused.
Lifemated to Connor.
Looking For: General RP and PLOTS.

She is currently raising her 5 children with Connor.
The family is quite close-knit, though she may encounter others solo from time to time.

I'd love for a few outings with her son Kaie (currently RPed as a foal) or a solo encounter in which she may offer warmth and advice to a Soquili in need.

]Sultry innocence seeps from this mare's very pores, even as a mature mare. Named for the spring maiden Persephone, she is every bit as ethereal as her namesake.

Though her flawless manners and natural grace seem to indicate the presence of a docile dame, she is quite feisty when riled. Her eyes burn with an inner fire that cannot be extinguished; even when veiled by polished etiquette, it is obvious to those who look beyond her supple tresses that an ardent intelligence simmers within that tender gaze.

She does not play into the conceited arrogance of those who would approach her with naught but lust on their mind. She is polite, treating them with the courtesy she believes is due to all living beings, but she does not stroke their egos nor flatter their swollen pride. If their haughty blustering become too much for any decent mare to handle, she will simply dismiss herself with a murmured goodbye. She does not linger in the presence of fools.

Nor does she stand for ignorance. Prejudiced Soquili steer clear, lest they be subject to a blistering lecture on equality and the worthiness of all to live and breath without fearing they shall come to harm. (Her lectures may end in bloodshed from time to time; if her temper flares and she gets carried away, her manners falter and she lashes out in the most inopportune of times. Should she address a feral Kalona or vicious Mutant... well. You do the math. .____.)

Suppressed memories of childish anguish lurk within her subconscious, fleeting memories that pass like shadows in the night, forever lingering just out of reach. Connor's steady presence has rendered her quite... content.

She is a benevolent mare; she would never turn away a Soquili in need.
She is slightly naive in regards to her charm; though her allure may draw the attentions of other stallions, she only has eyes for Connor.


- Goodness: Either gender.
Plots or encounters to display her benevolent nature. Soquili in need of counsel? A young mother, distraught or fearing for her young? Someone who just needs a kind stranger to talk to?

- Oh, goodness...: Stallion.
What would happen if a stallion misread this charming mare... grew fond of her, came to care for her above all others... only to realize that she is entirely unaware of his affections and worse... lifemated to another?

Would the stallion express his feelings, or hide them? Become more withdrawn, begin to act "strangely" enough for Persephone to note the change? ... How would Persephone feel? Confused? Guilty?
Would Connor find out?
Exact details up for discussion and will most likely be determined through RP. xD

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Name: Vicious
Temper: Viscous
Status: SINGLE
Looking For: ANYTHING.

Vicious is... well, vicious.
Nasty and with a slight lisp that surfaces when emotional, she has no friends... only accomplices. She prefers to work alone.
As a young adult, her technique is still barbaric, not yet the refined torture her mother has ascended to.

... LOOKING FOR ANYTHING FOR THIS GIRL. I really need to flesh out her personality, and she needs roleplay. :/

Adelinda and Valkyrie are always open for any plot that requires a Kalona or an evil figure.
They go in ascending orders of barbaric qualities. :'D

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Name: Adelinda
Temper: Feral
Status: 2/3 Breedings remained.
Currently ON HOLD.
Looking For: General RP if an evil character is desired.

Adelinda will be slightly mellow, teasing and sly. She will not pursue unless infuriated.

Adelinda's feral ferocity is quelled only by her intellectual wisdom. Due to her previous imprisonment (more information available upon request) she is wary of two-leggeds, preferring to maul first and ask questions later. She faces no such qualms in dealing with other Soquili; she either ignores them or is fascinated by them in turn. She is draconic in all aspects, lacking only the ability to breath fire. Her magpie-like tendency to horde shining objects is illustrated by the shimmering golden jewelry that decorates her person.

... she has even been known to "collect" a Soquili or two.

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Name: Adelinda
Temper: Feral
Status: 2/3 Breedings remain.
Looking For: General RP or PLOT if an evil character is desired.

Valkyrie is coy, vicious, and cunning. She possesses feline-like tendencies and moves with all the subdued grace of a skilled hunter; her voice is more a purr than a true tone.
Unlike her mother Adelinda, she views only Mutant Kalonas as "equals." Any "lessers" are merely food or funny fodder.
She will only converse with Soquili she deems "worthy," or from whom she may procure some ounce of amusement. She strives to saturate her bloodline with skill by breeding only to "worthy partners." (Vicious and virile.)
She will pursue her prey until they are utterly defeated.. or she tires of her little game.

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Name: Sonata
Temper: Dulcet
Status: 3/3 Breedings Unused.
Happily Lifemated to Dirge. heart
Looking For: General RP.

Sweet and caring, she would never judge a Soquili on looks alone.
She is happily lifemated to Dirge, and would not stay far from his side; general RP would be primarily short encounters, generally indicate how sweet/innocent she is...

PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 9:22 pm
OPEN! heart


II Paradox II

PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 10:12 pm
I have a little filly that I think would make a good friend to Kaie. :3 I don't have a teepee set up right now(currently in the process of doing that).

PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 10:13 pm
Aww very cute! heart

Would you prefer to jump straight into a RP or attempt to plot out an encounter? ^.^

If you'd rather RP, please let me know if I should set it up or if you would prefer to. whee


II Paradox II

PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2010 10:18 pm
Jump right into a roleplay and see what happens! :3
And could you start please. I'd very much appreciate.
PostPosted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 2:38 am
I'm going to toss Eden out there as a possible for Constant Companion for Kaie. It says you want someone thats opposite to him and in many ways she is... She is very practical and non dreamy, almost cold at times. but she cared deeply for her family and would do anything for any of them, and when she makes some non family friends she will be the same with them.  

Faid Shadowlight

Versatile Phantom

15,800 Points
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100
  • Invisibility 100
  • Vanquished Angel 50


PostPosted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 10:40 pm
Sure, Paradox! ^.^
I'll post a link when I have it up. heart


Okay Faid! smile Would you like to start up a RP and see how it goes?
PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 4:52 am
Sure, Paradox! ^.^
I'll post a link when I have it up. heart


Okay Faid! smile Would you like to start up a RP and see how it goes?

Sure sounds good to me, I'll try to set one up later after I finish wrapping the presents  

Faid Shadowlight

Versatile Phantom

15,800 Points
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100
  • Invisibility 100
  • Vanquished Angel 50



PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 2:13 pm
Would you be up for RP with Persephone and my Rajput?

That plot you wanted with the mare. XDD

It would take a while for Rajput to fall for anyone really, but I'm a sucker for those kind of plots and I'm sure once he finds out, he'll go ballistic.

Are you interested?
PostPosted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 9:31 pm
Sorry for the delay! @.@

Yes please! whee heart

I thought it would be an interesting plot, to say the least. xd

Would you like to discuss particulars or would you rather start up a RP? ^.^




PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 7:59 am
It's very interesting. And fun xD

Um. I would like to discuss before the RP, but I feel like I won't know for sure until it actually gets rolling, you know? orz

Though I know he'll be utterly devoted once he falls for her :TTT
PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 9:00 pm
Sounds good to me! ^___^
I wouldn't expect you to commit to something like that with them not even having met yet anyways. xD


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