Never To Be Seen Again...
Here I am in my room,
fighting sleep thinking about you and..
what you've done to me inside, out....

I lay in bed crying over you...
Never again to see your face, see you smile,
hear your laugh, and smell your sweet scent....

I go to sleep and there you are haunting me in my dreams...
I see you face in my mind and, smell you beautiful scent.
I try to touch you and then your gone....

There I sit in the back of the room....
Alone in the dark. You sit in front of me a few rows down...
Looking at you reminds me of when i was happy with you....

We meet each others eyes...
staring at you I smile and begins say " look... "
but I brake the gaze and go running out the door..
All i wanted to say was that
" I still love you and miss you " but I'm too afraid..

There I lay in my bed once again..
thinking of you...
I run into the kitchen and grab a knife
and runs back to my room. I lay down on
my bed and.... stabs myself in the heart...

There I lay in my puddle of blood,
looking into the past and meeting you
gaze once again.. You say " I still love you
and I miss you but now I'm not going to see
your smile, hear your laugh, smell you
beautiful scent, and gaze upon your eyes.."

I can't hear and my body is rubber....
I close my eyes and drift into my silent death........
Written by: xX-Nicole2414-Xx