Ninja Name: Yuuki hyuuga 
Age: 10 
Gender: female 
Rank: Academy student 
Village From: origanlly from the village hidden in the mist but ran to village hidden in the sand
Specialty in:Nin, Tai 
Bloodline: byakugan 
Other: hardworking little girl, she doesn't like to give up even if she is hurt. Her mother wanted her to be a proper girl doing nothing with becoming a ninja and her father wanted the total different and she went with her father. 
Bio: Yuuki came home one day seeing her father dead from poison in his tea, her mother did that so her mother can full control over yuuki. Yuuki was angery and with her anger she threw a kunai at her mothers leg and started running away to the village hidden in the sand. 
What you hope to achieve: get revenge for her fathers death technachly meaning killing her mother
Strengths: fan fighting arts, tai jutsu, ninjutsu, water jutsu, team work 
Weaknesses: genjutsu, individual fighting, katana use.  
Theme Song: ranbu no melody (bleach opening 13) 
Appearance: User Image