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Digimon: Tamer Island Guild

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#1 Digimon Guild where you can actually be a Tamer with your very own Digimon. 

Tags: Digimon, Tamer, Island, Digimon Tamer, Tamer Island 

Reply Tamer Coliseum (Digimon PvP Card Battle Forum)
Card Rulings... [Updated: 5/26/12]

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-InsertEgoHere- Liger

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 5:27 am

So I've noticed that there are a lot of problems appearing regarding the misuse and misunderstanding on certain cards. I've asked GW about a lot of them simply because I didn't know, but now I do and now I shall go about explaining those that I know as well as others that may arise.

DO NOT post here, but if you have questions or concerns, Simply pm me about them... okay?

If there is a card that you would like for me to explain, pm me with a copy of the card and title the pm Explain This

Ruling Type search (CTRL +F):
1. Order of Effects
2. Prerequisite cards - For cards like Fly Away, Digidote, and Pyrosphere
3. Type Differences- For cards like Garudamon and Pretty Attack
4. Conflict Cards- For cards this countering effects (ex. Gust vs. Illegal)
5. Level Differences- For cards like Power Throne, or Gaomon
6. True Knowledge- The card...
7. Shared effects- Also known as Field Effects (i.e Summertime)
8. Weapon Shop- the card...
9. Doubling, Tripling Attack Cards- Cards that boost attacks
10. Current vs Max HP/MP- cards that say
11. Doubles and Partner- Cards Rulings 2v2
PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 5:31 am

Firstly... Let me explain to you the order of effects in battle:

Passive Effect--> Card Effect+ MP subtraction from card--> Your Attack/Defend/HP Floppy

This means that:
1) If there is a card that subtracts from your health every turn, that happens at the start of the turn
2) You need to have the MP for the card you're using at the start of the turn.


-InsertEgoHere- Liger

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-InsertEgoHere- Liger

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 5:34 am

Prerequisite cards...

For both of these cards, in order for the other effect to happen you have do meet the requirements stated in the beginning...

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For these two cards (above) you have to attack in order for it to work... otherwise it does nothing for you besides take away a small amount of mp...

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Obviously... these require that you have the specified level... not at the start of the match, but when you play the card. However, if it's a passive effect (lasts for the entire game) you have to maintain that level for the whole match. Once you lose it, it's gone... even if you get your level back up, the effect won't come back till you play the card again.


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Same as before, you have to maintain that type for the entire match for the effect to stay. Garudamon is a little different... with that card you can change your type and still keep it as long as your types remain different...


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Similar to the previous, Digidote is a special case where you get to do something to your opponent, IF you meet the first effect. In this case, you must have a Vaccine type in order to deal damage to a Virus card.
PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 5:48 am

Type Differences

Cards that can be are specified to attribute (Virus, Vaccine, Data)

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In the case of those few digimon that don't have an attribute, this still works... It actually does more than work because your opponent can't (unless they start off with a no attribute as well) change to a no attribute digimon. This is leaves them open to cards such as:

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In the case where a digimon has more than one attribute, you may pick any of the listed attributes for battle:
-That attribute can be exchanged per battle, but not during battle
-In the case where a digimon has one of the three as well as Free or None, you must choose either of the three main attributes
-For both Core Ophanimon and Core Chaosgallantmon, they will use the attribute of their previous stage
-The only official None attribute is the Diaboromon line.

-InsertEgoHere- Liger

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-InsertEgoHere- Liger

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:03 am

Conflict cards

These cards that have effects that could be misinterpreted with other cards.

User Image vs. User Image

Gust reduces MP to zero (period). Summertime gives you MP at the start of the turn. Final conclusion, even with 10+ Mp, your Mp will still be zero, unless you defend...

Summertime (+10MP)--> Gust (-all MP)--> Defend (+?MP)= ?MP
Gust(-all MP)--> Summertime (+10MP)--> Defend(+?MP)= ?+10MP

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This does not prevent you or your opponent from activating cards, you can still use 0 mp cards so their (Illegal and Magic Charms) effects are not triggered...

User Image or User Image vs. User Image

Green cards and White cards cannot be targeted by cards that ask for activation.
There was a moment where this happened... You (player) cannot force your opponent to use the effects of a Green or White card.
PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:13 am

Level Differences...

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You have to be at least one (1) higher level for these cards to work...

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You have to be at least one (1) level lower for these to work.

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You don't have to be exactly two levels, you can be three levels lower... You just have to make sure that the minimum different in you and your opponents digimon is 2. In dealing with Armor Digimon... they are counted as a level in between Champion and Ultimate

The step ladder does not include your level... for example:
(Target digimon are in bold)

Fresh--> In-training--> Rookie--> Champion--> Armor/Armor--> Ultimate--> Mega--> Super Ultimate

Green is good
Red is Bad
Gold is overkill, but still good

-InsertEgoHere- Liger

Married Shapeshifter

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-InsertEgoHere- Liger

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:19 am

True Knowledge

User Image

Includes ONLY DICE Total damage you do in a NORMAL Attack.
Even if your attack is negated, you still gain the mp.

User Image + True Knowledge= your attack roll total w/o Boost= that much mp

say you roll a 17... you would only gaining 17MP- the cost of Big Bang Hammer, on the other hand, your next attack would be halved so you would only gain Half of the attack in MP...
PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:22 am

Shared Effects

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It happens to everybody on every turn, at the start of the turn...

Your turn (+10MP to both tamers)--> Opponent(s) turn--> (+10 MP to both tamers)= 20MP to both tamers

-InsertEgoHere- Liger

Married Shapeshifter

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-InsertEgoHere- Liger

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:30 am

Weapon Shop

User Image

As the card reads, during each of you or your opponent's turn you can increase...

This means that Weapon Shop can be used by either you or your opponent, not that you (the card owner) can increase either you or your opponent's attack.

It is a double-edged card so use it wisely. ^^
PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 8:30 am

NEW!Doubling, Tripling Attack Cards

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Cards like these ONLY affect the amount of damage done by the dice roll.


x2/x3 w/ Boost cards

In situations where cards are used that raise your attack by a certain amount like:
User Image or even User Image

They're amounts are added to the TOTAL Damage. This means that in correspondence with cards that double or triple your attack do not include these boosts.

For example:

Tamer 1 uses Rapid Arrow to add +2 to their attack
Tamer 2... defends
Tamer 1 then uses Full Attack to triple his NORMAL attack amount, he rolls a 5

There are two ways that you can go about calculations, the Right way and the Wrong way.

Wrong way
([Dice Roll: 5]+[Rapid Arrow: 2]) x ([Full Attack: 3]) = 21 Damage

and now for the...

Right way
([Dice Roll: 5] x [Full attack: 3]) + [Rapid Arrow: 2]= 17 Damage

((This was clarified by Grandwing on 12/5/11, I must apologize to all those that I may have mislead, thank you Grandwing for correcting me.)) sweatdrop

-InsertEgoHere- Liger

Married Shapeshifter

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-InsertEgoHere- Liger

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 9:46 pm

NEWCurrent vs Max HP/MP

In recent developments, it has been noticed that when it comes to increasing HP or MP, some cards say Current and Max while others say only Max. This is an error in which you must assume that if you increase or decrease Max, you also increase/decrease the Current as well.


Blue= Current
Green= Max


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ONCE AGAIN If it says increase/decrease the Max, also increase/decrease the current...


If the card says to increase or decrease the current, you only increase/decrease the current and leave the Max untouched.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 9:57 pm

Doubles and Partner Battles

With the rise in multiman battles, there are certain cards that are applied differently. One such situation is the targeting of certain cards versus others. Here are the different applications as well as the cards that would be affected.

-Whether or not you can use healing cards on your ally like Gallantmon or Mimi are left completely up to the host of the tourney or person that makes the rules in your battle. Do not assume.
-The Same Goes for friendly fire on aggressive cards.

Affect all Players- Friend and Foes alike.
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Coral Rip, Shining Digivolution, Peddler, Buyer, Item Shop, D1 Ticket [R], Penguinmon, Detonate, Wall of Fire, Giga Claws, Terra firma, Digi Barrier, Nefertimon, Survival of the Fittest, Field Tornado, All Freeze, Digivice IC Orange, Battle Terminal, Anti-Resurrection, Beast Howl,

Affect you and a single Opponent - Your choice of the opponent affected.
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Tamer Spirit, Yukihanabi, Fishing, DigiBeetle, Antylamon, Magnamon, Twin Lance, System Error, Holy Healing 2,

*In the case of this, the target is whom ever you attacked
** The target has to meet the prerequisites of the card to be a target

Affect a single player - meaning you as the user have to decide whom to use it on when you use it. (Friendly Fire possible)
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Control Spire, Davis, D-Terminal, Gaomon, Death System, Dragon Shout, All the "Killer Cards", Monzaemon, [R] Refusal, [C] Cancel, Denial, [M] Negation, Poisonous Flower, Bombs Away!, Dark Power, Tapirmon

Affect all opponents - But not your allies, meaning that your ally doesn't benefit from this AT ALL
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Fungus Crusher,Metal Armor, Upgrade Armor,All the Digitama cards, Armor Soul, Afro

Affects just you. - No sharing allowed
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Silver Fruit

-InsertEgoHere- Liger

Married Shapeshifter

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-InsertEgoHere- Liger

Married Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:15 pm

-Added an explanation on the use of "Digidote" to the Prerequisite Card section
PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2012 10:20 am

Update for the upcoming tournament!

-InsertEgoHere- Liger

Married Shapeshifter

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Tamer Coliseum (Digimon PvP Card Battle Forum)

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