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Ninja Name: Natsu
Age: 9
Gender: Male
Rank: Student
Village From: Outskirts
Specialty in: Ninjutsu,Tai
Bloodline: One third Senju,two thirds Uzakutsu
Other: Heir to the Uzakutsu Clan,descendant of the mysterious Kid Uzakatsu.
Bio: Before the great war Natsu loved his village. he felt great pride for the leaf village. When it was destroyed he spent his days training waiting for the time when he would take back his country. Not much is known about his life but a certain incident occured that mayed him ask questions about family's history.
What you hope to achieve: Take Back my Country
Strengths:Close Combat,Ninjutsu
Weaknesses: His weakness would be his recklessness it causes him to not always think things through.
Theme Song: New divide
When i'm pissed