Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 8:08 pm
Toan was leaning heavily on the cane, breathing harder then he had in a long time. His lifted his head slightly at the new figure in front of him. "Astamon..." No reply came to him. He begin to can around but could find his digimon. He could only sense the presence of Rebecca and the new guy in front of him. He raised his head toward the boy with the Harmonica. "Who the hell are you and why shouldn't I beat the life out of you for what you just did?" The music has stop but the rage he felt for this boy was to real. Toan straighten up and prepared to attack.
Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 8:19 pm
 [Kay dude you have to play the harmonica boy for me, cause I can't mindrape myself] "This entire time I've been manipulating your anger, so you believe your best response to me is to become even angrier?" The boy asked, staring at him with devilish eyes. "Of course how should I expect anything from you Toan? This harmonica is special, in that it's music brings out a humans true nature. I guess your just one big ball of anger. So tell me Toan, what are you so Angry at?" The boy finished his speech by lifting his Harmonica once more. The look in his eyes, the cynical furrow of his brow, it was hard to imagine such an expression on a child. Still there were other things to be thinking of when the music which had almost driven the humans insane was resuming once more. Rebecca had been thinking of such things when she whipped her head around. Nothing, Wargreymon who was always at her side had abandoned her. No, It's a lie. She thought, trying to forget her paranoia. That's what it was, paranoia. Her foe was trying to twist her thoughts backwards. Still where was Riku when she needed him most. She had spent so much time in the digital world, her digimon had almost become a surrogate family. They wouldn't abandon her now. Right? Right? She grabbed for her digivice, but was unable to find it in the darkness.
Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 6:18 pm
"Why don't I show you why I'm so angry!" Toan rush forward while spinning his staff behind him. He swung his staff right at the boy face but the boy hold his harmonica out and easily block the staff. The boy hand shot out and grab him by the neck and easily raised Toan off the ground. He begin to laugh as Toan eyes widen and he strain against the boy grip of steel. "Beg for mercy, and I just might let you go." The boy was teasing him! There was no way in hell he was going to beg a brat for his life. Toan bit the inside of his mouth and spit blood onto the boy face. He manage to choke out "Go burn yourself, punk." The boy still had an amused looked on his face as he toss Toan right at Rebecca like he was a pillow. Before Toan smashed into Rebecca, the boy appear above him and smash his fist down into Toan gut. Toan spitted out blood as he tried to gasp for air but his lings weren't working correctly. The boy took out a handkerchief from his breast pocket and wiped the blood off his face, then turn to Rebecca with a hideous smile on his face. "Dear Rebecca, now that he's gone it's just you that is left. I bet your not surprise of the result, your always the one being left behind. To be abandon by everyone you care about, to see everyone that cares about you disappear, to have no one left such a sad fate it can be. Fate such as that is almost worst then death!" The boy hold out his arms and it turn into a hideous demonic claw. He gave a cruel and sadistic smiled. "Almost."
Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 9:12 pm
"Quit charging him, you're just doing what he wants!" Rebecca shouted at Toan, dropping the elegance of her speech in the urgency of the situation. That was the last thing she said before Toan smacked into her. She was thrown across the ground, grunting with the impact. Apathy, Fear, Rebecca could not decide which emotion gripped her now. The darkness was starting to consume her. The child, the demon, whatever he was, his taunts only worsened the situation. How was he capable of knowing such insecurities. Was it possible this digimon could read her thoughts. "Even If they do abandon me, I'll find new friends. No matter how hard the world beats me down, I'll continue to seek happiness," Rebecca said weakly, trying to counteract the Digimon's prying into her subconcious. Whether this was a physical battle, or one of spirit she would not give up so easily. "I doubt you would understand such a concept though, you are a digimon after all," Rebecca deduced. The targeting of humans, the disappearing digimon. Only another digimon would posses such a power or motive. Now there was the matter of getting themselves out of this situation. "Toan, the darkness is symbolic of something. Perhaps our own insecurity. Try to control your anger," She whispered, smiling pleasantly for the first time in a long while. She doubted it would have an effect on the cold hearted toan, but it was worth a shot.
Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 11:59 pm
Toan took a shaky breath as he tried to follow her advice. He begin to breath slowly, trying to clear his mind. He begin to remember the happy time of his life, when he was just him, his step sister Mina, and his teacher Dominimon. He begin to relax and came as close as he ever got to a smile. The demonic brat smiled widen and his arms shot out grabbing onto the back of Toan head with his demonic arm and begin to raised him in the air. "Wasn't that a beautiful image you conjured up, having everyone you cared about all together enjoying that moment of happiness. But tell me.....where are they now?" Toan eyes snap open and his body began to shiver as he heard the words falls from the vipers lip. His eyes was filled with rage, insanely pure rage. He wanted so very badly to kill this whelp for daring to bring up that cursed night, but before he could do anything, the brat slam Toan face into the ground hard, and continue to pressed down with his demonic hand, suffocating him with the earth. "You know why your so angry you brat? Why you always hated the world?" The demonic boy begin to laugh as he push Toan head further into the ground. "It because your useless and your weak. Those who you loved died that night trying to save your worthless live because your damn pride wouldn't shut up. Because of your mistake, everyone suffer because of it. No matter how strong you get, you can never go back to that one moment in the past to change it. All your life you suffer the hardship of living and when you got a little lucky in life you get conceited. Look at you now, Tell me after all these years have you really change?........HAVE YOU!?" The boy raised Toan into the air and toss him into a pillar. The boy begin to laugh as Toan begin to cough violently spewing up blood.
Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 1:21 pm
"Enough of this!" Rebecca shouted, genuinely concerned for her old friend. At first she had been slightly interested in hearing what the demon had to say about Toan. The boy's attitude had been a mystery to the girl, a little insight would do no harm. The demon's words twisted though, and soon she realized it's true intent. It was twisting their own greatest flaws, trying to corrode them until they reached despair. This place attracted those lost in life, for what purpose Rebecca could not understand. "Toan there's no point in lamenting the past, even if your times of happiness are long gone that does not mean they will never return," Rebecca did not fully know what she was saying, she was beginning to feel desperate. Agumon had not abandoned her, he was simply prevented from coming to her side. How though? Think back, think back, she thought, recollecting how the digimon were unaffected by the music. The music, it all lied within the music. The reason they were powerless before this enemy was simple. He did not exist. Not truly at least. Rebecca opened her mouth to shout this discovery to Toan, but she was silenced herself by the rain. It had begun to rain around her. A peculiar form of rain, darker and murkier than the average type. In the rain Rebecca began to tremble. The demon did not say a single word, the rain was enough to break Rebecca's focus.
Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 10:35 pm
Toan tried to calm down but couldn't. His anger was too much for him to contain. He wanted to lashed out again. He wanted to kill the brat before him. He wanted to forget. Just as he was about to give up to despair, he felt something landed on his right hand. He reach over to it and knew instantly what it was. His Ipod. "Get up, Boy. still not done repenting yet!" Toan ignored him as he placed the headphones into his ears. He begin to turn the volume on his ipod to the max. The demon was irritated that he was being ignored. He raised his demonic arm and smash down at Toan. Toan hit play on his ipod and the entire situation changed Instantly. Toan rolled out of the way as he begin to charge the boy with renew strength. The boy was shock that he still had this much spirit in him but quickly recovered by swinging his arm at him again. toan jump into the air at the same moment and landed on top of the brat arm and begin to charge forward, scaling the arm. Toan jump as the demon tried to shake him off and slam his foot down on top of the demon head. The demon slammed head first into the ground before him, but the attack didn't stop their as Toan continuously send blows after blows right at the demon, each more painful then the last. How!? HOW DOES HE HAVE THIS MUCH STRENGTH IN HIM!? It was the music. Toan is able to forget everything when listening to music. He is able to clear out all thought weather it be emotion or pain. He can break a few bones and still keep going as if nothing happens. During the time he listens to music, His instinct takes complete control over his body. He is able to use 100 percent of his strength and move at an unbelievable speed. Of course, with power unleash like this had a horrible side effect, So Toan tried to not use it as often as he could.
Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 1:30 pm
The boy simply smirked as he was mercilessly beaten by Toan. No matter how hard he was hit, the harmonic boy remained unfazed. The music roaring in Toan's mind, the music heard by Rebecca it was one in the same. They had fallen into a trap. The only one who realized this was too busy caught up in her past emotions to break free. The other was slowly being consumed by his rage. The boy never intended to kill the two however, simply drain them of all will to live. The harder they fought, the faster they would be erased. However, it was impossible to call the boy evil. He hardly existed at all, simply a bit of data used by his master to carry out cruel orders. The part of Rebecca's mind which was not petrified by the black rain had come to this conclusion. The place Toan and Rebecca had stumbled upon was a pocket dimmension, existing between the real and digital worlds. Because of this the normal laws of reality could be bent easily, allowing the demon behind this to easily bend the minds of those who fell victim to it's trap. While Toan was doing alot of breaking, Rebecca was experiencing a bit of a breakdown.The color of her hair had almost completely faded. For the first time in a long while Rebecca was experiencing true fear. Instead of cowering though, she broke into mad laughter. How fast the two of them had fallen. Whoever they were facing somehow knew their personalities, and their flaws rather well. It would not surprise Rebecca if it were an old friend, or perhaps an enemy. Rebecca continued to laugh, she would never cry again, so her only option was to laugh in the face of life. After all being controlled by the memories of the past just wasn't her style. In a quick movement Rebecca whipped out a trading card, and threw it at the demon child's head. "Digivolve," She stopped laughing to mutter under her breath. Suddenly the child's data began to change, until he took the appearance of a white cloaked assassin. "Toan perhaps it would be wise to cease beating up a puppet, and face the real foe of our endeavor.