I don't know if anyone has been following, but Aksys games has posted interest in bringing over Visual Novels, or more specifically, "Otome" ones. While the Key games are not Otome, this is a step in the right direction, as the Key games, Air, Kanon, Clannad, Planetarian, and so on, expand from PSP to PS3/360 and so on.

They have a survey here.

Why is it important you might ask? Well, their forums are starting to get hit with people asking for visual novels in general. If they get enough people in support of these games, we could see the Clannad PS3/360 game come over, or even the portable Key games make a turn in the US. The genre is Niche, but awareness is part of success, and that is what I am bringing to you Key fans.

Show your support of the genre!