Ninja Name: Kita Inuzuka

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Rank: Chunin

Village From: Leaf Village

Specialty in: Ninjutsu and Taijutsu

Bloodline: Inuzuka Clan

Other: Has a dog partner named Aoi that always accompanies her.

Bio: Kita Inuzuka grew up inside the Inuzuka clan and learned what it meant to be loyal in battle as well as trustworthy. At a young age she admired her parents and older brother for being shinobi and fighting for what they believed in. Since her parents were away most of the time the task went to her brother, Shuichi, to watch Kita during the day. He would show her basic maneuvers and how to choose the right dog to be assigned with as a partner. After fully comprehending the concept, she was assigned with a partner by the name of Aoi, along with a lifelong promise to keep him out of harm's way.
Each day Shuichi had a mission Kita would wait eagerly by the gate for his return, dawn 'til dusk if she had to. This, however, wasn't the smartest decision to make in the middle of winter. She played with Aoi by the gate throwing snow, playing tag, and other childly games. When the wind blew and a storm was on its way Aoi whined to head home, detecting that the temperature was dropping. But Kita was determined to stay and wait out the wind and snow for her brother to get home. By nightfall Kita had collapsed from a fever as the storm ended and the snow simply drifted down slowly.
After her sickness had past she was cautious, too cautious of herself and those around her. To the extent where Shuichi sat down with her one day to speak a few words of wisdom. ~'Sure bad things will happen and you wish they wouldn't but somethings have to happen. You can't live your life worried about the future and if someone gets hurt, or if people get sick. It will happen I promise you that. But its those simply pains that let us know that we are indeed alive ourselves. What would we do if our parents acted this way, or even the Hokage? Everyone would be in a constant state of turmoil and chaos, mostly out of confusion. Stand up, if you keep sitting under that dark thought, you'll never see the sun.'~ Kita took his words to heart and returned to her normal state of mind shortly afterwards. But little did she know that those words would be the last she'd ever hear spoken by her brother. That day, was the day Shuichi died on his final mission.
Kita learned something important that day, time is precious and is not a force to be played with. This helped her grow as a shinobi herself, the day after Shuichi's death, Kita enrolled in the academy. Learning the ropes under her sensei, Pain-sama, and her assorted classmates which she has learned to accept and trust. Hoping one day to push toward her shared dream as a true warrior.

What you hope to achieve: She hopes to gain the respect of her peers and superiors alike, and to achieve her brother's dream of Hokage.

Strengths: Kita's strengths are that she never goes into the same battle twice. She is unpredictable in battle using whatever she has available. There's almost always a different opponent so why should the same strategy be used?

Weaknesses: She can freak out when in battle, meaning if a comrade dies or she is forced to kill someone it frightens her. When in a close match and overtaken by the opponent she tends to slip up sometimes under pressure easily. Also has a problem being in cold weather for too long and has a weak immunity to diseases once in her system.

Theme Song: We Fight

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