In the skeleton for the RP Profile you have a space that you may fill out with your bloodline limit. Among these are the famous Sharingan and Byakugan, but you are not limited to those. You may be creative and make your own KG, but make sure you run it by me first for approval. If you do not, it will not be approved.

Sharingan limit: When you first make your profile you MAY NOT start off with the Mangekyo Sharingan. The highest level of sharingan you may have is the two tome sharingan. Any higher warrants disapproval.

**You may also be an Uchiha without the sharingan. Being an Uchiha doesn't bind you to have the KG.

Custom limit: You may not be the master of your own KG when you first make it. You must learn its powers through time and understand more of it as you train. Complete disrigard of this will warrant removal of your CKG.

**Good Example:
Genin: discovered the KG
Chunin: learned to use it faster/wiser
Jonin: almost complete mastery of it
Next rank (optional): complete mastery of your CKG

**Bad Example:
Genin: My CKG pwns all!!!

Edit: You may not combine the dojutsu to create a hybrid one. Ex: Sharingan+Byakugan; Byuakugan+Rinnengan; Sharingan+Rinnengan.