Stage 1 weapons of the light: their are 2 kinds of weapons currently used by the angelic avatar users, one is the blades of light which are a set of blades which require one hand sign and that is the handsign for light. the other weapon is Maanbar's whip of light which requires the light then snake hand sign

Stage 2 angelic wings, archangels barrier: the archangels barrier can be used at anytime it requires a light then turtle hand sign and a rotation to allow the chakra to spin fast enough to repel any oncoming attacks, the angelic wings require the user to focus chakra into wings using a light handsign then a bird handsign

Stage 3 strength of the angels: using light, bird, tiger, and dragon hand sign the user forms a second set of wings that wrap around their arms and legs allowing them to becoming much stonger and faster

Stage 4 opening the gates of heaven: using light, bird, tiger, dragon, fire, wind, earth, water, thunder handsigns this allows the user to open all chakra gates in a manner that will not kill them if only used for a few minutes, it gives the user unprecendented power and a large enough chakra stream to do the next stage. the user also has light emanating from their mouth, eyes, nose, and ears

Stage 5 the angelic avatar: using light, bird, tiger, dragon, fire, wind, earth, water, thunder, dog, cat, horse, and ram handsigns allows the user to form chakra around their whole body to give them invulnerability this jutsu can be used for 1 minute before causing to much strain on the users body, if used for too long it can kill the user

Maanbar Des Waldes developed an injected elixer that reduces the strain on the chakra circulatory system, its ingredients are: boar hooves, blood of a bat, nectar of the lotus, 1 tear, and glow worm dung