User ImageNinja Name: Maanbar Des Waldes
Rank: TBA
Village From: Konoha
Specialty in: Taijutsu, ninjutsu
Bloodline:Stage 3 Waldes, Beast Release
Other: he is not a japanese man like everyone else, he is a german, his family escaped from a terrible war there and came to the fire country
Bio: raised on the battle feild with his father, but at the age of 10 he was sent to konoha to be the first Waldes ninja bringing their families unique bloodline to the playing feild of the ninja world. at age 12 he reached rank of jounin by defeating one of pains personal guards, thus proving his families value, then he began to form his own style on ninjitsu with the help of pain, his light style angelic jutsu's have been passed down to only one student, what she does with them is up to her
What you hope to achieve: to train the best students
Strengths: as a human his unnerving speed, and his unusual and extremely destructive jutsu's, as his bear form his ability to absorb justsu's and his ability to control earth like it were a puppet
Weaknesses: as a human he is vulnerable to wide burst jutsu's that can't be dodged, as a bear any taijutsu fighter who can get near him should have no problems since he is very slow
Theme Song: Heaven Shall Burn - Black Tears
Appearance:User Image