I was about to post a few of my painted models, before finding that the photos I had were all on my currently, and annoyingly disabled facebook account emo So instead I decided to post up a couple of stories I have written in my last 6 months [5 of which, being devoid of the internet entirely].
I wish to point out, the first, has not been cleaned up, and I am not best pleased with the 'feel' of it all.
The second.. Well it should not be taken remotely seriously.

Chaos Fractures;
The ground warped through perverted visages as Sharr oversaw the breaching of the fortress walls, his dread aura distorting all reality around him.
Far to the east, he could see Krane, so called ‘Lieutenant’ of Khorne within the Death Generation. Sharr could only pity him in his own twisted manner; the fool believed power was his fate. Krane, himself once a commander of the Crimson Claw chapter, now led his fractured army under the banner of Khorne. While in his own rights he is a formidable fighter, he is nothing compared to the dread lords that command the rest of Marleks great conglomerate legion.
“My prince, the walls are beginning to falter” He heard crackling through his comm.-link, as the commander of the Vindicator gun line succeeded in shattering the defences.
Soon enough, Krane had led his own squad as close as safely plausible. They took positions behind sandbags as the enemy taking cover in the walls continued to pour fire over anything that dared expose themselves.
Sharr slid his blade into its velvet lined sheath and licked his finger, sliding his nail over his lips hard enough to draw blood. He smiled as it seeped into his mouth and took to a knee, raising his bolt pistol up to peer down the sights, firing once against the walls. A spray of blood erupted upwards, cracking a toothed grin on his bitter face. Marines beside him turned, their faces jealously contorted as they raised their weapons, ready to begin covering fire.

“Look at him, such contempt, yet so much incompetence!” Krane screamed, his grille almost spitting oil in response to his fury.
The marine to his left punched the sandbag barrier, bursting one of the bags open.
“Save the anger, we have dogs to gut.” He muttered, feeling his body twitching inside his armour. He looked to the Vindicators, feeling aggravated as they slowly fired in rhythm.
A sudden blast alerted him to more troublesome defenders, as a krak missile collided with the side of the outermost Vindicator, and he ordered suppressive fire into the wall behind the smoke trail.
A constant rattle of Autocannon fire droned out from a grim figure in terminator armour, his dull green suit pitted and rusted.
As the shots began to crater the wall, more fire began to pour over the top. A deafening boom arose from over Kranes’ shoulder, and he peered around to see one of the legions Defilers trampling the earth to close the gap, laughing off small arms fire as it’s vox grille cackled eerily. The battle cannon fired again, and the figures on the wall were torn apart as the shot blasted rockcrete through their midst.

Sharr peered once again to his rival, and seeing him stare back, gave a dainty wave and a ravenous smile. His reply was a fist raised skyward, which he shrugged back by pulling free his blade and inciting the daemon within. Flames stretched skywards from the length of the weapon, dancing in every colour of the rainbow. His golden armour reflected nothing of the magical blaze, seemingly only mirroring the man who wore it.
The wall creaked, and a huge chunk was blown outwards and three artillery tanks began return fire the moment it fell. The shells tore through three of the five Vindicators, and the heavy machine guns inside the walls wreaked misery amongst the Berzerkers that began to pour through.
The Slaaneshi lord watched Krane hesitate, smirking as he found the moment for his own chosen squad to enter. He ordered a smoke round to be fired through the breach, and his elite sprinted hard through the blinding screen.
The guns were silenced quickly, and the Berzerkers soon found their victims within, running through the defenders without any resistance.
Sharr and Krane reached the breach together, and paused to stare the other down before climbing over the rubble.
Krane took off into the thickest concentration of buildings, his squad following behind as his massive axe began to hiss and steam.
“All show and no play, what a sad creature you are, Krane…” Sharr said in dulcet tones, peering through dimly lit streets to find the headquarters of their weakened enemy.

The Lord of Death watched from the holo-views upon his ship, floating silently in orbit as he tested the new Khornate commander.
He growled in disapproval, Krane had gone out of his way to outdo his peers, leaping up into a gun position and hacking three imperial guardsmen down as they loaded their Autocannon.
He heard the only noise that struck fear in his decayed heart, his private door had opened over the other side of his chamber, and a pair of heavy footsteps alerted him to his masters’ presence.
“Marlek, sir” He muttered, turning to see the giant form of the daemon prince shrugging through the doors.
He spoke in deep, guttural growls, and the surface of his flesh moved as maggots tried to escape the noises emanating from their bloated host.
“They breached the walls an hour late.”
The Lord of Death nodded and turned back to his screen, watching Sharr decapitate a man almost playfully.
“The rivalry has them trying to outdo each other, sir. I think their progress slows us.” He replied solemnly.

A quiet grunt leaked from the doorway, as an uninvited guest entered the room, his long robes flowing behind him. Geśham; once one of Ulzar IV’s lieutenants, stepped towards the pair and scoffed.
“Of course, such pride.”
Marlek growled at the sorcerer and returned to watching the monitor.
Geśham donned his horned helmet and nodded from behind the pair, departing for the teleporter room.

“Krane you fool, have you gotten lost again on your blood trail?” Sharr cried out in the streets as the last dregs of resistance were scoured by bolt and blade.
Krane scowled and regrouped his men as he stumbled into an open road. He peered left, down the long street to see smoke pouring from every building, and the subtle glow of magical fire beginning to flow over one of the street corners.
As he peered the other way, shots began spraying over his men, and he bolted for cover as the garrison doors slid open, hundreds of imperial guardsmen raising their guns as Sharr stepped into the road. He saw Kranes face peering from around a corner, smiling at him as the guns opened fire.
A haze opened up before him suddenly, shrouding vision long enough for him to take cover. The air in the street had almost converged solely on one spot, creating a dense, swirling mist.

Back aboard the ship, Geśham began the teleporter. His form disintegrated in a beam of dark light as he mentally locked onto Sharrs’ icon.
He reformed merely feet in front of him just as a hail of fire tore past. Quickly he shielded himself, the lasbolts blasting harmlessly around him while he turned to take a position beside the Slanneshi prince.
“I imagine I was ‘just in time’?” He grunted smugly, the slit of his grille glowing red as he spoke.
Sharr spat and took to his feet, pounding the earth before him to try reaching the enemy before Krane took the initiative.

Krane had other plans. His squad had already began smashing their way through the buildings along the road to creep safely up on them, and they burst out into the solid block of soldiers long before Sharr could even see the whites of their eyes.
He arrived as five bolts of warp energy exploded into the frontlines, peering back to see Geśham nearing swiftly atop a disc of flame.
“Butcher them all!” Krane bellowed, as his bone axe disembowelled men, handfuls at a time. His plasma pistol screamed as it took their lives, glowing bright blue as he fired wildly.
A heavy swing cleaved a man in half, as he raised his pistol into the face of a bayonet wielding private, blowing the mans skull apart violently as the ball of plasma continued on into the body of another.
His squad killed recklessly, ignoring the blades that punctured their weak points as they plunged into the thickest bundles of men.

Compared, Sharr was elegant, handling his sword like a brush and slaying men as if performing surgery. His blade opened up throats, bellies and heads like a knife in butter, tearing their souls back into the ether to consume. Their games were ended swiftly, however, as a bright light began to blind all nearby.
It flashed, but its effects seemed to leave their bodies in agony for moments until they could see again. Sharr looked around, wiping blood from his face as he saw the Defiler clambering carelessly over their strewn bodies, trampling and maiming the few guardsmen who had survived its blast.
The Chaos caught in the blast all stood nearly unscathed, but stood fuming to stare down the daemon engine before looking for any it may have missed.

Marlek smiled as he watched the shot, gaining a grim satisfaction from the brutal discipline instilled.
The Lord of Death looked up to his masters’ face and questioned his orders.
“Surely the risk of killing such… As much as it pains me to have to admit, ‘promising’ champions is hardly worth the smile, my lord?” His face was barely stern, as he held back the desire to laugh at the charred pawns below.
“They will learn their place, whether it be at my boot or his” He said, as he pointed to his favoured Defiler, chuckling in hoarse tones as he watched it destroy the headquarter buildings with its’ immense claws.
“True my lord, but I wonder if you will find such characters so easily in future, should these be…”
Marlek growled and heavily patted his hand on the shoulder of the Lord of Deaths’ terminator armour before departing.

Geśham ascended the skies on his disc as he watched Sharr and Krane pull themselves to their feet, smirking beneath his helmet as he tasted their contempt for each other.
“Had you two played nicely, you may have had your little battle.” He laughed as he swiftly drifted back to the breached wall.

Klises and Jimmy go to space;

The hordes of the daemon lord Marlek swept across the streets of the damned world, once known as Rylorn IV. Their artillery had been tearing the tall abodes for days, pounding the city interior to dust.

Finally, Marlek declared a charge, and the full, abhorrent might of his legion was set upon the helpless citizens and local militia of the capital. Bezerkers and swollen Plague marines alike spewed into the roadways and smashed buildings, slaying anything that crossed them.

“To the ground, brethren, let their souls go screaming into the warp!” He bellowed, his voice booming and fearsome.
The sounds of agony roared about him as he began unfolding his immense demonic wings, and he took slowly to the air, his eyes ablaze with fury.
His plague eye could see the life-forces of those below him, their forms appearing simply as green blurs through one half of his vision. Through his other eyes, he could see a spectrum of suffering. One lens could taste and feel the cancerous agonies that his plague marines inflicted, bright flashes of pestilent light erupting everywhere their disease spread. Another eye saw the natural decay of life, spying out corpses and terminal illness within the living.
His final eye spied life anew, and it was this that brought the most suffering to the human worlds. It saw the essence of newborns, and drew his afflictions to them by sheer force of will. Mothers would hide from the warriors around them, only to find a plague already itching within their precious child.

Such a sight had caught his attention, and he beat his wings heavily to hold still above a ruin. He could sense the young boy, hiding beneath a table. His second eye could see his mothers’ body beside him, tasting tears as the boy wept over her. His third eye then flashed, as foul cancers began twitching within the young boys feeble body. The second eye soon began to seep excitedly, as he saw the cancers grow exponentially. The boy was quickly overcome by the twisting agony, collapsing to the ground at his mothers’ side.
A grim smile etched across the remains of Marleks face as he swooped away towards a contingent of defenders.
His plague eye counted fifteen men, armed with pistols and shotguns. He approached, ignorant to the countless shots splattering in his belly and chest. His collective eyes worked in unison, peering into them for diseases while subjecting the clean to horror. He hadn’t even approached before they had curled up in screaming balls.
He stooped to pick up one of the bodies, stretching his maw around the mans waist and ripping him in half as he began to chew on his belly, pulling out his intestines as if confectionary.
“My lord” He heard in his ear, as one of his daemonic aids crawled up his spine towards his neck.
“We’re to be availed, the Imperium is sending their armies”
Marlek sneered and turned to see his favoured Defiler opening a defenders body with a brutal sweep of its claw.
“We shall cleanse and retreat. Then we shall judge their numbers.” He growled over his shoulder, watching the imp like being jump down to his swollen, decayed breast before swinging down to the floor by his loose intestines.

Through the din of battle, the heart-rending screams and earth shaking explosions, he began to hear a quiet peeping. He stooped low and spied around the scenes before him to find any signs of life. As he peered over the crumbling remains of a house, he saw a faint glow in his plague eye, and the mangled body of a cat, smeared over a brick wall.
His rotting heart sank, and he approached the cat to find its life-force utterly vanquished.
As he stood back as far as his contorted spine would allow, he heard the peeping yet again, looking down into the rubble to see a soft glow in his plague eye.
He leant down, picking up a section of fallen wall as if paper before letting out a bemusingly affectionate growl.
His hand pushed through the rubble, gently easing out the small frames of two tiny kittens. His imp stood nearby, watching keenly as Marlek stood upright once again, holding the little bundles up to his eye level.
They meowed and screamed seemingly in horror as they saw the frightening thing before them, and his expression grew softer as he realised their fear.
He held them against his warm belly and stroked their tiny heads as gently as you would feel a feather against your flesh, soothing their fear easily with every touch.
The imp neared and peered up to his quarry, a puzzled look across his face. Marlek looked down and snarled in a manner the imp had never heard.
“They are so soft and helpless, the poor beasts…” He growled, cupping one in each hand before tearing the vest off of a nearby soldier, folding it and pinning it beneath a cord wrapped around his leg. He placed each kitten within, grunting happily as each curled up happily within the pouch he’d created.

When the fighting had finished, his legion disappeared swiftly, transported back to their battle barge out in space as the enemy arrived in orbit. A brief exchange saw Marleks escape go unhindered, as they left the system with minor casualities on his fleet.
He entered his chambers, kneeling to the floor once in praise to Nurgle for a successful hunt, and once more upon standing, to release the kittens to the cold metal floor.
“Such innocent little creatures do not deserve the pains of war.” He stated, as he scratched behind their ears gently with his immense, clawed fingers. They meowed in response, and he quivered with joy as he began snuggling them against his face.
He let them back down, and watched happily as they jumped on each other playfully.
“Well I will have to name you both.” He said softly, pausing briefly to try working out the gender of each.
He stooped, picking them up to try making head or tail of the task.
“I will go by your manners. You will need to go sometime…”
Letting them back down, his logic was soon vindicated, as the larger of the two leant against his armoured foot, urinating smugly.
“Well you’re a boy, I’ll call you Jimmy” He laughed, looking down to the smaller of the two, which sat and stared into his eyes.
The kitten meowed softly and rubbed its head against his other foot, laying down between the grooves of his sole for warmth.
“You must be a girl…” He said softly, picking her up and placing her within a pocket of his belly.
“Klises, you shall be named”
With which, the fate of his ship would never be the same again.

A week had passed before the vessels’ entire crew knew Klises and Jimmy. Marlek granted them dominion over every member of his crew, and while their demands were constant, none would deny for fear of reprisal.
Klises, being the smallest, had been granted a small cap to show her command when prowling the walkways of the ship.

Jimmy ran on ahead, pounding along the metal pipes over the walkways. It wasn’t certain how they had gotten up so high, but they certainly did often.
Klises was sneakily trying to pat the hat off of one of the human slaves, holding on to the pipe with all her might as she stretched down below. The slave looked up as he realised their presence, feeling the tiny paw batting against his nose. A smile stretched across his face, and he raised a hand in salute, before stroking her head gently. Content, the kitten made off after her brother, who was busy flicking wildly at some loose cabling that dangled over his head.
The pair strolled off towards the dining hall, where the full superhuman might of Marleks legion gathered in dark prayer once a week before indulging in mass feasting.
Klises walked affirmatively towards one of the tables, her legs bouncing high before her as she goose-marched. Her gaze was levelled high, peering up at a stinking plague marine as he took a lump of flesh to his mouth. He looked down when he heard a soft meowing below, grinning as she held a paw towards him.
He stooped to pick her up, letting her climb onto his arm before placing her down on the table. Once amongst the feasters, she strode proudly past every plate, until finding one with food suitable for a captain.
She sat down and leant to pick at a bowl of nums, plucking away strips of meat daintily with her little teeth as the warriors around her watched on.
The kitten, to these men, would have been small enough to make a mouthful, but they admired her confidence amongst them, and laughed as she began rolling onto her back, balancing a piece of meat between all four paws.
It fell beside her, and the marines all gasped in shock as she stared angrily at the disobedient morsel. She jumped to her feet and pounced upon it, chewing it apart with furiously nibblish fervour.
Her brother soon joined, and they began to squabble over the best picks of the chicken, wrapping their little fangs around it as they began a tug of war.
A marine went to pick food from across the table, moving his hand over the kittens as they fought, and each stopped their quarrel to punish his complacency, leaping up and numming his fingers as he pulled his hand back with string like strips of dairy product. They took his food as an apology, and rolled it around themselves as they battled it. Klises took to her back, kicking at it as she aggressively chewed into it with her small teeth.
Jimmy struggled against his meal, it refused to stay still as he batted and stomped at it with his tiny furry paws. Eventually his fury grew too great, and he ran. Hiding away behind a food bowl, he waited until the cheese-string was unaware, leaping out in a flurry of fluffy pads and needle-point teeth. He successfully bested the string, and put it to death for it’s treachery.
The marines around them laughed as they watched, until one hushed the rest, pulling out a long, loose vein from his meal. He laid it to the table and waited.

Klises was the first to spy the invader, hitting her brother around the head with her fuzziest paw to gain his attention. They both crept up slowly, ensuring that it wouldn’t notice them. Their eyes spread wide in shock as it began to flee, it had spotted them!

The marines laughed as the perpetrator pulled the vein away from the bundles of fur.

The chase was long, the string fled in circles, always managing to evade them as they got close. Klises managed to latch on with her fangs, but was pulled along the table as she tried to stop it escaping. Jimmy joined her, clambering over her back to reach the food before it stopped moving, they attacked it together, each working as one to pull it in half and chew it to pieces.

A growl interrupted the entertainment, and Marlek made his presence very audibly known. He descended the steps into the massive hall, and took up his seat at the head of the greatest table, a place he held alone until his lieutenants were granted permission to sit at his area.
“The feast shall hold.” He bellowed. Standing quickly, he peered around the hall; almost every face stared back, obediently. One table appeared distracted, the faces of the plague marines all peered low, with smiles. The halls fell silent as the legions’ soldiers realised Marleks gaze was settled upon this table. In the silence, subtle meows were heard, as Klises and Jimmy bounded over plates and through the mazes of bowls set up along the tables length.
Marlek laughed loudly, and the marines watching the pair quickly realised the rooms’ attentions, looking up alertly towards the daemon prince.
“Sons of Nurgle, your attentions to them are a true blessing. You may entertain them for as long as your attentions are desired” He called, before sitting and motioning for the feasts to resume.
The pair of kittens soon grew tired of their battlefield, stepping to the edge of the table and peering to the nearby plague marine to help them down. He lowered them carefully, handing them each a bit of his biscuit before watching them spring off back to the corridors.

They began to grow increasingly more wary as they stepped down the pathways, keeping low as they stalked the shadows. In the distance they could hear footsteps nearing, and they each took a leap up into a cooling vent, as the sound got closer.
A crewman strolled past casually, unaware of the two pairs of eyes prying from the hole. He paused as he heard a scratch, turning without time to react to Jimmy flying through the air towards him, his legs all held out threateningly. He latched onto the mans’ leg, climbing in hopping jumps towards his waist, there, he used his claws to dig into his thicker cloth shirt. He climbed onto his shoulder, and sat slowly, staring at the mans beleaguered face.
“Why hel…” The man started, before Jimmy batted a paw to his cheek, silencing him. The man stood still; terrified, as Klises joined the assault, bounding to his shoes to unravel his worn string laces.
Only once Klises had ascended to the mans other shoulder was he allowed to move, and each kitten raised a paw in the direction of their quarters to demand his movements.
As they neared, they each began purring with excitement, massaging their paws into the mans shoulders in joy as their bedroom door slid open to reveal a massive hall of toys.
Klises made a daring leap to the floor, landing perfectly and sprinting off to chase a mechanic mouse as Jimmy carefully climbed down the crewman’s arm.
Once on the ground, he looked back to the door, and the crewman swiftly left the kittens to their devices.
Jimmy clambered up to the top of his pipe-frame, strutting on the highest level with pompous ease as Klises caught her prey, pawing it onto its back before biting into its belly.
Jimmy caught sight of a small ball and jumped down from his position to investigate the intrusion, exploring the object with his paws before chasing after it as it rolled away.
He chased the ball around the room, not understanding why it fled, as he kicked it every time he reached it. Eventually he grew tired, and flicked it over to the corner of isolation, where he placed the many toys that bored him.
He spotted Klises, stepping low to stalk her as she distracted herself with the mouse.
They often fought for the highest rank, and Jimmy, being the largest, often won. This time he was to give her no chance of success. He stalked up behind her, and leapt as she rolled onto her back, the mouse held firmly between her front paws.
She reacted to her brothers assault very quickly, rolling to her side, and back onto her back as he landed atop the mouse, bringing them both over onto their sides before Jimmy could react to the impressive defence.
Klises threw the mouse at him, leaping back as he beat his paws swiftly against its face. They stared each other down, and with a firmly squeaked “Meow”, Klises charged, bounding upon her brother with all her might, patting him to his side as he softly growled in protest. He got to his feet and jumped against her side, nudging her over before standing over her, nibbling at her shoulder. She meowed and got one of her front legs free, kicking out at Jimmy’s face. Her fluffy paw hit him on the nose, and he stepped back swiftly, only to jump back harder. He stumbled as her legs tripped him over her, and he tumbled to the floor beside her and watched her take to her feet. She lunged, finishing him off as she chewed on his tiny right ear.

The first story, by all means, rip it apart.
The second, I made no intention of making it accurate to the 40k universe, I merely wanted to have a reason behind the kittens I am sculpting for my daemon prince.