Username: Blood Crimson Rose
Name: Lunara Hikari
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Race: Hanyou (Human/Kitsune)
Weight: 110 lbs
Height: 5'8”
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blood red
Personality: She is quiet and calm and rarely gets angry unless someone makes fun or insults her friends.
Human: User Image
Hanyou: User Image
Weapons: A katana and a dual sword
Powers: Water and Air
Their Life: Her mother was a human and her father was an elemental fox demon. Luna never met her father because he left her and her mother to protect them. She lives in the human world and she is unaware that she is half demon. Her mother had her a private school and her mother had her take many different types of martial arts. When she was 16 her and her mother were driving from a friends house when they were hit by a drunk driver her mother was killed on impact but Lunara barely survived she had a severe cut across her neck that almost went straight through her throat. She was hospitalized for several months and when the cut healed it left a huge scar on her neck which is why she wears a choker necklace. On her choker there is a blood red oval pendant that was given to her by her father at birth to hide her demon side. When she was let out of the hospital she lived at her friends house for two years. Just a year after her accident she was walking through the woods near her friends home when she spotted a hurt fox kit she took it back home and nursed it back to health and has been with her since. When she turned 18 she got her own house so she wouldn't be a burden to her friend and her family even though it was no trouble to them.
Other: She loves being outdoors. Her hobby is botany. she has a pet fox. She also has knowledge of pressure points on humans and demons.
Her fox Kuro: User Image
Parents: Mother: Deceased and Father:Unknown
Theme song: Away from me from Evanescence
Crush: Kurama