Another forlorn night tormented by my eternal thoughts of you
Even after I say to myself that, I am ******** through
I am over your undying smile and your polite personality
I want to wake up and be in an alternate reality
Where you are nothing to me and I mean everything to you
So the tables will be turned and you can feel the pain of the one you love being cruel
You do nothing but eradicate me inside from the moment I see you
I swear I wish I could just get over you but for that there is no “How To”
No book to tell me what to do, how to think, how to be
I hoped that the truth would somehow set me free
But it did nothing but distort my mind
And send me on a futile hunt to find
Some scrap of unreal evidence that you feel that way for me as well
I always expected things to change for you to love me and have it play out like a fairy tale
But I learned the hard way that things don’t happen that way
And I relearn that lesson every second of every day
That I won’t have you and that I will never get that prince charming guy
That those childhood storybook tales were all one big tragic lie
I know now that there is no such thing as “happily ever after” in real life
That there is no escape from the hurt, the tears, and the undying strife
No matter how hard you try to make it better there is no cure
No positive guarantee, no way to be sure
No way to fix a broken heart and no way to take back the words
There’s no way to make the bitter truth come out sugared
No way to protect your love-its not possible
Theres no line you can draw that’s not crossable
If you truly love someone you do things you normally wouldn’t do
Like when you keep telling yourself that your completely through
But he still crosses your mind in your spare time
And hes the one that’s always in your heart you find
And no matter how hard you try hes always there
When you finally mend your heart hes there with a broken spare
Hes always there to make sure you don’t get fixed
And once you feel like your emotions are finally figured out, he helps them get mixed
He jumbles your mind and makes it hard to feel all the way there
You can scream and shout and cry but it wont make things fair
You have to try to just move on and deal
To somehow make the forged things real
Take your hopes of being whole and make them a reality
For that’s the only true way to save your sanity