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Welcome Yous♥
How are all of yous doin' ? x3

I'm just wondering if some of yous could help me get Commedia.
Or any item for my dream avi.
Any kind of donation will help.

My Dream Avi
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OMG || 29,199,666 Gold
Chyaku Norisu Scarf || 725,166 Gold
Inari's Beads 12th Gen || 560,000 Gold
Dark Ice || 85,000 Gold
Commedia || 247,500 Gold

Estimated Value:
30,817,332 Gold

Or a cheaper dream avi.

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WTF Hat || 30,529 Gold
Inari's Beads 12th Gen || 560,000 Gold
Dark Ice || 85,000 Gold
Commedia || 247,500 Gold

Estimated Value:
923,029 Gold

But out of all those items, i'm really craving Commedia.

& I know it's a lot, but if you decide to donate, you could choose however much you want to give me.
I really don't mind. Every donation of any amount counts for me ~
Or even if you want to donate an actual item off one of my avis.
And if you do decide to donate, Thank you oh so very much~♥!


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