Username: RyuunosukeSBP
Name: Omarunashi Kumo
Age: 13 years
Gender: male
Race: Clouded Leopard/Albino bat mixed demon
Weight: 80 lbs
Height: 4' 11"
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Red
Personality: Alone, childish within, easily angered, and curious.
Appearance(s): User Image
Weapons: Twin armblades, a large scythe, and a katana.
Powers: Ability to use the wind as a weapon or sheild (control over it), his crimson eyes can burn into an oponent soul but at a cost to him, and he can use dark magic but is yet to control it properly.
Their Life: There is very little I can remember about my life up until about two years ago. I remember being told that I had been deathly ill for ages when I awoke from a deep slumber, I had been abandoned at a young age so I have no parents, nor do I even know who they were. I am now travelling where ever the wind blows, searching for my true purpose.
Other: Rawr? Hear my amazing roar.
Parents: To hell if I know, I was abanded.
Theme song: Oasis by Gackt
Crush: I do not have such pointless feelings.