Kail was unaware of Vlad glaring at the stable boy he had heard the comment and he flushed in embarrassment. He knew he was out of place and out of line, a slave was not supposed to have such fine things. He looked up when the stable boy had hastily excused himself from their presence. When Vlad had begun to leave from the stable Kail quickly followed leading Aslan by his reins. Kail kept a hand on Aslan for comfort but whether for himself or the horse he was unsure though it did not seem as though Aslan needed comfort as they walked through the town the horses head held high.

Kail could sense Vlad’s agitation and kept quiet on their walk back to the Inn. At making it to the stable he stayed where ordered looking around a bit. Aslan seemed a bit agitated when Vlad left and Kail began to feel a bit nervous it was almost as if he could feel someone watching him. When Vlad reappeared Kail relaxed a bit but Aslan still seemed a bit agitated and it only seemed to increase as the stallion before him huffed noisily. Aslan gave a snort and nosed at Kail once more pushing the boy back. Aslan moved more in front of the small slave between Kail and the stables along with the horse to a point he was almost half curled around the boy. Kail looked helplessly to Vlad. After a few moments the horse seemed to calm and Kail felt that whoever had been watching him moved away.

As soon as whatever had been bothering Aslan left the horse unwrapped himself from around Kail and trotted up to Kerchak giving a slight sniff before a friendly neigh. Aslan looked to Vlad then and gave a soft butt of his head against the male’s chest showing that he accepted him before trotting back to Kail again. Kail looked thoroughly confused but followed Vlad when the man said it was time to go. He followed leading Aslan back through the town without any trouble just some odd looks. It was just outside the town near the forest that Aslan began to agitate again pulling at his reins pulling them from Kail’s hand. He turned and faced the horse hooves he could hear approaching behind him. Aslan pulled at the hilt of Kail sword trying to make the small slave draw it.

15 riders approached among them was the man that Vlad had beat down the night before, Kail’s first master. Seeing the man Kail gave a gasp and stepped back away from the man. “You, Vlad!” said one of the men. “You are removing the slave of its town. There have been strict orders by the man that originally sold that slave that he was not to leave the town.” Kail hung his head, he had forgotten that rule each master before had told him so, that he was not to leave the town ever.