(Dear host members If you do not post for a long period of time i will have no choice but to replace you because we need all of our members)

Welcome to the Host club where we have special events such as cosplay ect. If you watched the anime or read the manga i don't need to explain it to you but for those who haven't i will give you a brief description!

We are a group of lovely young men with great wealth and with ALOT of time on our hands! We like to entertain ladies (or men) also with a lot of time on their hands.

We have many typs to choose from:

User Image
((Okay Im to lazy to find thier pics so ima put it in one!))
The King
Prince type
Bio: He came from France (I believe) and he had to leave his mpther behind making a deal with his grandmother that if he comes to ORHS his mom will live the life of luxury. So he cam and is the chairman's son
Personality razz rince is the word that souly describes him. He attracts costumers with his princly actions. He is very interested in commeners life

Kyouya: TAKEN BY luna nightray
The vice king
The cool type/ glass character
Bio:I don't know what his family owns... They own everything!!!(basically have really good connections) but, Kyouya is the third son and his father exspects great things from him. He is never stressed about it and finds it to be an interesting game.
Personality: he is handsome and charming and easily attracts girls. he speaks bluntly and holds no malice when talking.

Twins (hikaru/kaoru)
The brotherly type
Bio:They always think they only have eachother but the Host club helps them get that off their minds. They are the sons of a big clothing/fasion industry.
Personality: they cling to eachother to attract women and are constantly
being rude and sly.

boy loltia
Bio: he looks young but is actually one of the oldest members. he is the world karate champion(i think its karate...It starts with a k! i know that much...i think) he is the heir to the family name and his cousin Chika hates that fact
Personality: he is small, cute, and loving. his baby looks attract costomers. he has a dark side that has never been shown

The dark type
Bio:he is extermly quiet and his ansestors were hunny's ansestors servents so he is extermly loyal to hunny. being the quiet type he rarely talks but is always there and he is the champion at Kendo and that's all i know so if you know something PM me
Personality: he is quiet and doesn't talk much. Like hunny he is extremly strong and attracts shy girls

Natural type
Bio: She is a Commener who lost her mother when she died and lives with her crossdressing father.She was forced to join the club but doesn't mind. and she dresses like a boy.
Personality:Lets be blunt here...She speaks her mind not matter what is on it. Sometimes she can't stand the clubs actions.

And Please all of the host members use the correct personality...thank you

oh and romance is allowed between the characters but not too much romance. keep it to where there are no costermers around when getting all lovey dovey! (the twins don't count! as long as it is with eachother)

SIDE CHARACTER LIST (Only host members can claim one)
(these are the only one i can remember so if you want a different one FROM the anime/Manga PM me...AND NO!!!! Eclair!!! She is forbidden cuz i hate her!!*and no one like her either*)