This is my first story of this genre so I am kinda going to post it by request. 100% original.
Rated razz G-14
Night 1:Winter Sunshine
Everyone at school knew that Jonathan Winters never dated and didn't react well to propositions. He was called The Flash Freeze Prince, warm as summer until you confessed to him. He was tall, had emerald green eyes, and short burgandy hair.
It started the last day of January. On Valentine's Day the school was holding it's Annual Winter Dance under Moonlight. I had a reputation for taking stupid chances and just grinning through the consequences. I had always though Winters was the cutest guy at the school but never got close to talking to him. On this fateful day his usual fan club was not swarming around his table at lunch. "Hey, I just thought maybe you would go to the dance with me." I asked. "Josh, why don't you ask someone else."he said staring at his potatoes. " Come on going to the dance would suck for you if you went alone." I begged. "No, I wouldn't be caught at some stupid dance with all those couples." he said. "Don't be a social hermit come on." I said. "Why do you want me to go so bad?" he said staring at me. I knew this was the stare that sent most people packing but I just stared back and smiled. "Okay I will go but don't get no ideas." he sighed looking away bored as always. "You might be a cute boyfriend if you smiled." I said and watched him blush a little. " I will never be somone's boyfriend, I am going to the dance to tease the couples." he said turning away to leave the lunch table. After school I walked over to his locker through the fan club. "Do you have something against relationships?" I asked. "Just that people say they love someone but they want something else entirely."he said. "I will change your mind after the dance." I said.