okay This is located in the Cat Shope sub fourm, just so you all can find it to comment how dumb the idea sounds later on.

Here's the idea, everyone teams up with one other person and they help each other out by doing this;
1) you each look at each other's most expesnsive Items
2) debait who's Item will take the longest time or whos item will become the most expensive the fastest.
3) you both make money and set a weekly "mad money" budget as my mom would say so you have a decent amount of Gold to spend while knowing you still have enough gold and are makeing that amount and then some. after the "mad money" is gone you have to wait untill you get that amount back doubled.
4) consult with each other on who has what amount of money and how much you have together and how long till you reach your goal.
5) when you both have enough gold, check the market place and see if you can purchus the item cheaper then planed or if you need more money. if not make the purchus then go for your partner's hardest item through the same process.

A tip to get part 3 to work is maybe have about 10 grand worth of gold set aside and try not to spend it all at once or not spend it at all... I know I know that sounds stupid but it works, i know, i do it in real life but not on gaia.

questions, problums, concerns, please let them be known, I like to be questioned and insulted, keeps my ego in check and stuff. i hope you all like the idea, i'm gonna start it when someone asks me to work with them.