-InsertEgoHere- Liger Crew
Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 7:18 pm
SNOWAGUMON!!!! SHINKA.....FRIGIMON wink Alright... then time for trial #2. Let's see if you can handle the cold. Fight with all your might, as I will wink ...
------------------------------ Rules[C] vs. [C] -5 cards -No infinity Tower (I've seen it and I don't like it =_=) -10 10-sided dice roll on intro to determine who goes first -Have fun 3nodding READY... SET... POST!!!
-InsertEgoHere- Liger rolled 10 10-sided dice:
10, 5, 2, 8, 3, 3, 3, 3, 9, 9
Total: 55 (10-100)
Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 7:23 pm
username: -InsertEgoHere- Liger (Snowagumon) Digimon: Void HP: 80 Mp 40 Type: Vaccine Deck: Medium Avalanche (lv2)
-InsertEgoHere- Liger Crew
ListenFeelEnjoy rolled 10 10-sided dice:
5, 1, 9, 8, 7, 4, 9, 7, 9, 5
Total: 64 (10-100)
Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 7:28 am
Sorry for the delay... I have chosen my digimon which is: ME VEEDRAMON!!!Yup, my favourite digimon! Username: ListenFeelEnjoy Digimon: Veedramon Attribute: Vaccine HP: 80 MP: 40 Deck: It's Vee Time!Edit: First again!
ListenFeelEnjoy rolled 4 4-sided dice:
2, 4, 4, 3
Total: 13 (4-16)
Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 7:33 am
Alright, first! come on Veedramon, let's make it count! Sure this Listen!!I'll start off with this! Attack! Void HP: 80 - (13 + 5) = 62 MP: 40 Effect: can't attack during next turn. Veedramon HP: 80 MP: 40 - 27 = 13 Effect: +5 to attack
-InsertEgoHere- Liger rolled 4 4-sided dice:
1, 3, 3, 1
Total: 8 (4-16)
-InsertEgoHere- Liger Crew
Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 11:55 am
EEPP!!! NOT GOOD!!! Gotta use it now... CRAP, CRAP, CRAP!!!
Monster Ability: Vaccine Blessing
+ DefendVoid HP: 62+25= 80 MP: 40-15=25+8= 33/40 Effect: Veedramon HP: 80 MP: 40 - 27 = 13 Effect: +5 to attack
ListenFeelEnjoy rolled 4 4-sided dice:
2, 1, 3, 3
Total: 9 (4-16)
Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 12:45 pm
congrats on getting promoted! biggrin Why are you congratulating him?...we're fighting here!!Because I'm nice...or maybe I'm just trying to lull him into a false sense of security... oh...I'll use this! Attack! Void HP: 80 - (9 + 5 + 30) = 36 MP: 33 Veedramon HP: 80 MP: 13 - 11 = 2 Effect: +5 to attack
-InsertEgoHere- Liger rolled 4 4-sided dice:
4, 4, 1, 2
Total: 11 (4-16)
-InsertEgoHere- Liger Crew
Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 10:27 pm
((thanks)) OI!!! Who are you congratulating?! WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF A FIGHT HERE!!!
Monster Ability: Avalanching Fist
SUBZERO ICE PUNCH!!!Void HP: 36/80 MP: 33-11= 22/40 effect(s): 1/2 atk next turn Veedramon HP: 80-(11+30)= 39/80 MP: 2 Effect: +5 to attack
ListenFeelEnjoy rolled 4 4-sided dice:
1, 2, 1, 3
Total: 7 (4-16)
Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 7:51 am
alright, I guess you need to attack V sure thing!
Void HP: 36 - 7/2 + 5 = 28 MP: 22 effect(s): 1/2 atk next turn
Veedramon HP: 39 MP: 2 Effect: +5 to attack [forgot to add 1/2 attack thins turn...]
-InsertEgoHere- Liger rolled 4 4-sided dice:
1, 2, 4, 2
Total: 9 (4-16)
-InsertEgoHere- Liger Crew
Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 8:28 am
((OH YEAH!!! *phew*))
*Frigimon continues to swing with her hammer arm*
Void HP: 28 MP: 22 effect(s):
Veedramon HP: 39 - (9/2)= 35 (rounded up) MP: 2 Effect: +5 to attack
ListenFeelEnjoy rolled 4 4-sided dice:
2, 2, 4, 2
Total: 10 (4-16)
Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 9:01 am
What to do now...hmm... I'm waiting...
Void HP: 28 MP: 22 effect(s):
Veedramon HP: 35 MP: 2 + 10 = 12 Effect: +5 to attack
-InsertEgoHere- Liger rolled 4 4-sided dice:
2, 1, 2, 2
Total: 7 (4-16)
-InsertEgoHere- Liger Crew
Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 9:12 am
YAHOO!!! *grabs her snowboard and surfs toward LFE and Veedramon with an avalanche following behind her* LOOK OUT!!!!!!! blaugh MONSTER ABILITY: INESCAPABLE AVALANCHE
Don't mind if I steal a quick jab, will ya? HIYA!!!! (attack)Void HP: 28-30= 0 MP: 22-15= 7 effect(s): Veedramon HP: 35- (7+30)= 0 MP: 12 Effect: +5 to attack WOAH!!!! *Collides into Veedramon and is overtaken by the avalanche*
Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 9:20 am
um... O_O...WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT?? so...I guess nobody wins this round then...
-InsertEgoHere- Liger Crew
Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 9:26 am
PFFFFFT!!!! *pokes head out of the snow as a Snowagumon*
Well that didn't work out like I had hoped... Nice one you too 4laugh
You're way to reckless... *steps out on top and pulls Void out*
Gotta be more careful stare
pffffffttttt.... I live to be dangerous... Well that's my first tie sweatdrop I don't like it... AGAIN!!! AGAIN!!! *has a tantrum in Marq's arms* no...
BUT... BUT!!!! I WANNA TRY OUT MY MEGA FORM!!! gonk Fine then... gimme a sec... SCOOOOOOOOREEEE!!!!!