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I am Mpanda 26! I would love to mentor someone! Because I have so much time on my hands I will take in one mentee for the moment. I'm not sure what I can handel yet that Is why I am only allowing 1 mentee for the moment. :3

I am a freshmen in high school. I am not very good I feel, but I would love to help someone if they will let me! biggrin

Useful Info:
Link to Art:
Time Zone: Mountain Zone in the US
Online: I am online everyday! Most of the time I am on from 5:00pm-7,8pm ish. It changes from day to day.
Good Ats: I am pretty good at shading, sorta good at animals, eyes, and etc...
Bad Ats: I CANT do online stuff. This is all on pencil and paper since I don't have a template yet. :3
Level with Mentee: I am fine with anyone! :3


Stuff you'll need:
Pencils, Paper, an Imagination (haha), A scanner may be usefull! And, willingness to get to know me. I want to get to know my mentee and actually become friends and stuff! :3
Also, I would like to have updates on what's happpening with your art stuff while I'm mentoring you. biggrin

If you do not PM me after you ask to be my mentee I will not mentor you! Thank you!