Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 8:18 pm
I've seen one of my friends play a lockdown deck that exclusively burns with Wave-Motion Cannon. Pretty much the jist of it is that he uses cards like skill drain, royal oppression, etc. to stall and lockdown the opponent 'til the wave-motion builds up for game. We just ended up calling it "Cory-Burn". For our locals, the name has the "nuff said" factor.
My question, more or less, is this: How do I build a deck like that?
Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 8:21 pm
well my friend does this with his spell caster deck which worked pretty well
it went something like 2 Magician Valkeryas, secret village of the spell caster, royal decree and 1-2 wave motions...though this strategy is f*cked when someone brings out brionac
Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 8:54 pm
If your friends plays it why not as him?