The idea
I'd like to start a casual 1x1 scifi RP to play around with a "future Earth" concept I've been working on. The general idea is that a large meteor has hit Earth somewhere in Middle America, causing the extinction of many already threatened species and a general decimation of the human population. I have a few characters I can use that live many generations after the tragedy, near the meteor site, who are involved in studying the meteor. However, I'm interested in starting at any point between just before the strike, and the stabilization of human societies across the globe. We don't need to be limited to South America, either. You got an idea that fits the general premise? Shoot me a PM.

Who I'm looking for
I've been roleplaying for many years. Whether or not you have been roleplaying as long as I have doesn't bother me. However, I would like to see some indication of how you roleplay. Below are links to other RPs that I've been in and things like that. You decide what you want to show me (sample post, detailed plot, character profile, previous RPGs, etc.). Some roleplayers just RP well together and some don't, and it's not all about "literacy."

Event Horizon RP
fantasy 1x1 RP

I've got more examples, but I thought that would give you a good idea. Usually after the introduction, the RP posts get a bit shorter, and that's cool with me. So send me a PM and we'll talk about how we want to do this. biggrin