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.hack RP // 4.0

Welcome~ this is my fourth version of my .hack RP. I decided to finally make a fourth version because the third was messy and really old and disorganized. So please don't be bothered, just start of where you were before in the last version~!

If you need any updates on the storyline (there currently isn't much of one going on right now, but when there is, feel free to PM me and ask! I tend to be caught up on what's been happening.
If not, I'll try to reread stuff and tell you. XD

Also, this RP is still only R2. It used to be a mix of R1/R2 but it changed last version and that means its still only R2. It just makes everything easier, and if there's a class that you like in R1, there's a pretty good chance there's a class in R2 that's pretty similar. So you'll be fine.
And I'm going to be a bit more strict on rules, I've started to be a bit of a pushover on them but now they will be enforced full-on. So please, PLEASE read the rules.

Please read on to the following post, the rules.