Coley's Trading Challenge!!!

I've had Pokemon Diamond for several years, and have beaten it several times. Knowing the roleplay mechanics was fine, but I decided to issue myself a challenge to mix things up a bit: I want my entire collection to be traded with different people for each pokemon. With the use of Wifi I believed it could be extremely simple, BUT! Well, have you guys been to the GTS lately? All I see are requests for legendaries at level 100, for something as simple as a wurmple! Here is what I propose to you all:

I post the pokemon I'm currently looking for.

I also post the pokemon I'm willing to trade!

You guys decide beyond that point about what you're willing to give up and what you're willing to receive. If you have any questions about a certain pokemon (such as nature, food preference, stats, etc) please feel free to ask.

Please help me in my trading quest!

Currently Looking For::
Caterpie, Weedle, Sandshrew, Tangela, Elekid, Magby, Paras, Magnemite, Drowzee, Krabby, Voltorb, Cubone, Koffing, Rhyhorn, Kangaskhan, Tauros, Lapras, Kabuto.

Aticuno, Zapdos, Moltres, MewTwo, Mew.


Willing To Trade::
Bulbasaur [Terra/Atlas II] | Charmander [P.Light/Eregon/Amber Red] | Squirtle [Leonardo/Raphael/Donetello/Splash] | Nidoran F [Pin/Pina/Pinta] | Oddish [Wilber] | Venonat [Fozza] | Venomoth [Mothem] | Meowth [Persia] | Psyduck [Darkwing] | Poliwag [Princess/Ribbet] | Bellsprout [Liberty] | Grimer [Grunge] | Ponyta [Starlight/Applejack] | Shellder [Clam] | Lickitung [Velvet] | Horsea [Stallion] | Staryu [Cookie] | Scyther [Synthia/Sickle] | Eevee [Rumble/Scruffle/Butch] | Porygon [Picasso] | Omanyte [Gary] | Aerodactyl [Terror/Dycen]

Sentret [Fluff-O/Scout] | Ladian [Super Hero] | Ariados [Spyder] | Pichu [Ponyo] | Cleffa [Temperance] | Igglybuff [Puffy/Puffen] | Natu [Totemi/Totem] | Marill [Buey] | Hoppip [Cotton] | Sunkern [Sunny] | Wooper [oOo~ heart ] | Wabbuffet [Yubaba] | Girafarig [Pushmi] | Snubbull [Bubbles/Biter] | Corsola [Coral] | Phanpy [Celest/Dumbo] | Tyrogue [Rogue/Rogue II/Tyro II/Tyro III] | Smoochum [Voo doo/Abb/Cadabby]

Poochyena [Steele/Kodiak/Aleu] | Mightyena [Mikoto] | Zigzagoon [Ziggy/Rascal] | Ralts [Maggie] | Surskit [Sweeper/Skimmer] | Makuhita [Meat Bun/Sumo] | Azurill [Mighty] | Nosepass [Rushmore/Rushmora] | Skitty [Chester/StrawBerry] | Aron [IronMaiden] | Meditite [Shaolin] | Electrike [LightSpike/Thunder/Thora] | Gulpin [Lipstick] | Plusle/Minun [Positive/Negative] | Spoink [Boing/Sproing] | Cacturne [Dorathy] | Swablu [Cloud] | Baltoy [Clay] | Anorith [Anorous] | Absol [Stormy] | Relicanth [Mask] | Beldum [Scarab]

Turtwig [Chomp II/Chomp III] | Kricketune [Slash] | Shinx [SHINX/Sparkler] | Cranidos [Arsenic] | Combee [Comba] | Buneary [Beatrix] | Chingling [Tinker] | Bronzor [Ore] | Happiny [Rolla] | Munchlax [TweedleDee/TweedleDum] | Croagunk [Toxin/Rumba/Slime] | Carnivine [Little/Shoppa/Horras] | Glaceon [Baron V] | Uxie [Athena]

I can also breed catch an assortment of pokemon. Just ask.

Note: The words inside the brackets are the pokemon's names, something I could probably change upon request.

Trainer Name: Coley
Code #####: 1763 4508 2698