I see her there
A taste of heaven, a glimpse of light
The one who lies in the depths
The depths of my imagination, the depths of peace
And the depth's of the creator's jealousy

A pair of bright brown eyes sit in from of me
in the the creamy milk sea that is her skin
An enticing stare brings me forth, dragging me forth from the depths
Of my own pain, shattering my mask of arrogance to reveal my true form
That form of self-loathing that hides in the depths of my core

Skin so silky smooth and so pale that it inspires
Jealousy and hatred in doves
Yet its thick to protect her from the cold
The unforgiving, cruel, godd-forsaken cold
Of a harsh world that offers her no understanding

Thick flowing waterfalls of brown waves
So rich and beautiful, the gods feel shame
Undying shame compared to her perfection
It shines, bouncing back light
enough light to blind the sun, eternally burning the atmosphere

Her lips, so delicate
Calm and filled with the color of a rose
it hurts to see that smile fall
Her smile is but
A crescent moon that rests calmly
On the small jaw of a goddess

A body so small and frail, yet so
Powerful and full of the strength
of an unholy angel
Enough strength to keep me
Keep me crawling on
Hanging by the last thread of my sanity
The one I love from the depths of my sou