Make Me Love You Again
I've been feeling rather alone
Very removed from you
Standing in the wind
Letting the gales kick me down
It's like the distance is taking a toll
Finally after all this time
What can I possibly do
To make my heart reconnect with you?
I'd love to run into your arms
Hold your hand as we walk down the street
But the miles stretch so far
So my thoughts of you will have to wait
I don't like feeling alone
I don't want my heart to break
Yet cracks are starting to appear within me
And I'm not sure what to think
I must keep looking at the good
All the fun, love, and laughter we've shared
Smiles should once again light up my eyes
But I need your help to get there
Help me remember what romance can be like
Give me your full undivided attention
Be that shoulder I can always cry on
Surprise me once more with corny admissions
Open you heart as wide as it used to be
Please share your thoughts and daily life
I love you so much
Yet I'm feeling betrayed
My heart and mind have begun to wonder
If everything's been illusions and dreams
I need to be able to trust you
With unwavering and absolute certainty
I believe we can get to that again
Just as it was in the beginning
All I ask for is your heart
And for you to show me it each day
I need your affection and your caresses
I need to know how much you want me to stay
You have my poor heart confused
Not speaking to me like you once did
I've grown fond and so accustomed
To you treating me as your world
I understand you still feel the same
Just like you did those months past
Please show me all that love in your heart
So you don't have to make me love you again
I want to grow old with you
Having your same last name
My heart belongs to you
I beg you not to break it
Reopen my eyes to the way it can be
Show me those dreams we both share
I love you more than you'll ever know
I just need to feel like you care.