when was the last time you could find peace in the darkest part of your heart without feeling intoxicated or fueled by cruel intentions mixed with pleasures guilt-free...

when i was young and innocent and knew not of such things...

such trappings bring such pleasures hightened by no comparable measures of injections or powders...
powers crush x-men...
laugh at ex-friend and foes...
and summon those to my pleasure and pain stained with the smell of my guilt...
will you free me to your time of innocents again...

if such things were possible i would free myself...
a greedy thought i know but i wish more than anything to free myself after so long being bound by these pleasures...
But we can try...

but trying only leads to failure...
tailor made self destruction...
and we must win...
succeed from the grips of greed and free each one as he and she are meant to be...
Free from guilty glares, stares long mid-night hours in mirrors whispering back prayors from conscience calls to four walls snapping traps and run from the guilt-free cheese...
will you be free with me?

Trial does not always lead to error...
and i am vastly aware of what must be done...
yes we must win this battle..
Fredom calls me like a never ending song...
although the mid-night mirrors call to me and beg me not to leave them in the bitter-sweet night alone thus making it grimly intricate to escape this place...
so yet again i only will say we can try...

then we shall try...
side by side and success shall be ours...
sheding free shells...
and dropping the mask made from forgien disgrace...
so all our pleasure shall be guilt-free...
will you walk with me...
No shell...
No mask...
with heart wide-open...
soul naked and nude?

Yes, we shall try...
born again and new to life...
new to the world...
we shall start over bare and open...
no mask...
no shell...
just you...
and me...