Hey there I thought we could have a DMC based RP hope that is okies....
I'll set the scene a moment.
One a dark foggy night in the middle of january. Something was stirring in the town of Wilton. Not a sound to be hear and not a soul to be seen... In a small part of town a light dimly glows on the side of a stone building there was a sudden flicker which blew the oil lamp out. Who or what was this mysterious intruder or was it intruders....

You can select to be on one of four sides.
Demon hunter
Demon/Human Good
Demon/Human Evil

The character description will be as followed
Weapon used:
Devil Trigger (optional):

My description can be used as an example:
Name: Yazui Masuni
Side: Demon/Hunter Good
Bio: Living in the rough streets since the age of 8. Yazui have learnt to fend for herself. She helps to protect the public from the demons that lurk behind every shadow. Not know where she comes from she has always hungered to find her true hierchy. She is strong willed, firey but have a sense of humour for the work she does. Yazui ran into a mysterious man which changed her life to fight demons, however the meeting got blurred due to a sudden attack which have left a scar on her upper left arm.
User Image
Weapon used: Katana
Strength/Weakness: She is very strong within fights, she cannot trust anyone she meets, she cannot befriend as she thinks she will lose them due to her line of work.
Devil Trigger: UNKNOWN