Hi guys, it's been a really long time. ><
I haven't role played in nearly a year, but I would love to pick it up again. I'm still on often, now that I've actually started playing Gaia again, though I'm slightly more busy than I used to be.

I'm still literate, my writing has actually improved from all of this school.
Grammar is my strong suit, though. I'm better at that then frill and fluff words, though that's fun to use, too.

Yeah, I still only love romances... I'm lame. Love bits of action though, um... No, still don't like yaoi or yuri, sorry. Uh... plots are nice, too, though I don't have many, suggestions are nice. Oh, also, using the story lines from other animes and stories, not my strong suit either, lol. I'm terrible at that. And... I also don't use forums to role play in... still PMs. If you're still reading this, you're lovely. Thank you, and please send me a PM if you would like to role play with me.