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Reply Fantasy Role Plays
Reawaken: A New Age

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 4:32 pm
You know, things tend to work out oddly. One day one of your companions is being all whiney about what the lot of you did that got you cursed, so you trap them somewhere they could never be rescued from. Then you find out that their presence is required in order to lift the curse. You're in a pickle now, aren't you? Or maybe this old person you just met insults you and your buddies and pushes you around, so you go to show him who's the tuff one around here. How were you to know he'd been through over a dozen wars and was still a badass? It could be as simple as making a ficticious wish for something you didn't really want based on a fairytale, it being granted, and the granter being unwilling to take into account the fact that you hadn't really meant it and giving you some impossible task in order for you to undo the wish.

And sometimes you find that the magic that was bound a few generations ago wasn't as bad as it seemed at the time. Sure, little imps would tangle one's threads and sour the milk. And maybe certain spirits were quite territorial and proud, liabel to cut off the water flow to the fields where you raise the crops because they feel insulted. And certainly some of the creatures were downright horrible beasts that would attack and eat any human they found.

But then again, it turns out that magic and such creatures were actually holding back the Deamons. And after a few generations of all magic being suppressed, well, they've gotten a little strong. They've also caused a bit of trouble. Enough so that a Steel Mage blew a bloody whole through all of blasted existence and undid the binding. Now, with a noticeable chunk of the human population taken out, the Steel Mages still trying to gain power, the deamons spreading, and the return of magic which no one knows how to deal with anymore, things are falling to pieces.

(Points go to whoever can recognize what movies the three examples in the 1st paragraph are from. And they have no bearing on the story, I just wanted to see how many people watch the same movies I do.  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 4:33 pm
The Story

A long time ago, magic was well and truly alive. People in the more populated regions tended to ignore its existence, but those who lived closer to the wilds knew how to deal with it. Celebrations were held at both the summer and winter equinoxes, as well as at the ends of the spring and fall harvests, to please the earth spirits who could get a bit touchy if ceremony wasn't followed. Fishermen and sailors went through certain acts and threw little gifts into the rivers and lakes so that the spirits there would remain cheerful and good tempered. Housewives would leave a little food and drink out for the wee ones, so that at the very least there were no tricks played and at best little gifts were given in return. All knew that the Great Beasts were never to be hunted or hurt, and that sometimes the Great Beast isn't the amazing stallion which is pure white and stands shoulders above the rest of the herd, but the unusually clever little pony with the large ears and the leaves stuck in its tail. They knew when to put the cold steel and salt away so as not to hurt or insult anything they shouldn't, and when those two were the only things between themselves and something that was hungry and had far too many teeth.

Still, there were problems. Periodically one needs a road built for trade, but the trees that were felled would grow again overnight. One can't always avoid insulting a water spirit, which at best results in tangled nets, and more often brings about death. Sometimes cold steel and salt weren't enough protection. It could be a problem when something that lives hundreds of years is insulted, as they tended to take it out on not only those involved, but their descendants as well. Most often, there was a dispute over what was man's territory and what Magic ruled. And around the edges man was loosing ground.

The Steel Mages have never been well liked. All their power comes from ripping it away from somewhere or someone else and placing shackles and chains on it. They always have a tendency towards madness, and are as power hungry as they come. But, they have always been powerful, and they did have the means to bind all magic, though they couldn't kill it. And all they demanded in return was that any person not already trained in magic who still had some little gift after the binding was to become apprentice to a Steel Mage. This rule was to always be enforced, even generations after there were any magic users other than the Steel Mages. While unliked, the Steel Mages were seen as less of a threat to humanity in general than the Magic was. And so, all those in power agreed to their demands.

So, the Magic was bound and humanity was allowed to widen its boarders without fear of mischief. All magical talents were greatly diminished after the binding, and those who had them hid it, for fear of being forced into choosing either suicide or becoming a Steel Mage. Unsurprisingly, most who can choose suicide. The Steel Mages grew stronger and there was more call for their talents as they are now the only ones who can use any form of magic. People got used to it all and things settled down.

And then some kind of infection started spreading, although so slow as to be barely noticeable. Oh, one didn't start coughing or any such nonsense. There were no fevers and it didn't directly kill those infected, though there is some argument there. It started out small. Some girl who was a bit too free with her favors would quickly become more than just a little free with them. It became an obsession with her and nothing could shame her. A lad who felt put upon by his parent's wishes and their watching over him would start doing outrageous acts of defiance and foolishness. Even if his actions ruined himself, he was willing to do it out of spite. A person who had a slight tendency to lose their temper, and would usually get into quite loud arguments over things, would degress until they were attacking people at the slightest provacation. Eventually it became so that it was hard to tell what the sources of these changes in behavior were. A lad who had been sweetly courting a lass, all right and proper and above reproach, would force himself on her and beat her senseless if she refused. A woman who had always been considered a good mother, patient and caring to her children while her husband was off working, would strike her children and leave them out in the forest to die. They all became completely different people.

The worst was when they weren't completely different people. Oh, one who knew them could tell that they had changed, though they may not have been able to put their fingers on what was different. It couldn't even be recognized by any lessening of their morals. Half the time vices which that person was known for would seemingly disappear from their character. The only real difference that might be seen was that the person may have become more private, or went out by themselves more often than usual. In these few cases it would eventually be found out that these people had been committing horindus acts of depravity, all while smiling and acting like fine, upstanding people. In these cases the people were crafty, had a far longer reach, and caused more damage than those who seemingly took leave of their senses.

One of the more craft variaty tried to recruit a Steel Mage. As power hungry as the Steel Mages are, and those seemingly infected always became stronger, faster, and even better looking, he was violently against any such union. No one quite knows what happened really. One day things are going about as usual, though with spreading whispers about strange madness gripping certain people, and the next the earth shook and the heavens fell, everyone within a hundred leagues of the city where the Steel Mage cast his magic toppled over dead, and the bindings set on the Magic generations ago broke.

Now the Magic is back alive and no one knows how to deal with it. There are many dead with no explanation, and whatever that mage did didn't work, because the strange madness is spreading just as insidiously as ever. Now what are we to do?



PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 4:35 pm
Now, how many people have actually read everything. Raise you hands please. Okay, there will be a test so I suggest those who haven't raised their hands talk to those who did. I know it's long, but it will be important.

Okay, to continue. Everything that has been stated about the distant past is known to everyone. There may be whispers about what is happening with what can only be assumed to be spreading madness. The whole thing with the Steel Mage is unknown by normal people, though those belonging to the Magic have ways of finding out. The fact that Magic is back is rather impossible not to notice.

There are four general groups here.

All us regular people
The farmers, the dairy maids, the weavers, the butchers, the bakers, and the candlestick makers. You may know how to fight, you may be about to get a crash course. You may know a lot of old stories surviving from before the Magic was bound, you may not and either go into denial or start really listening to granny and grandpa. A few of you out there may have had tiny talents that were all but useless that are now unbelievably more powerful, though heck if you know how to use them. The bottom line is that your life has just taken a drastic change. Old things you considered dead are back, and you'll either learn to adapt or you'll be in for a world of hurt.

The Magic
We're not talking about the elves and orcs of Tolkein, or the creatures of D&D. I like those too, but this isn't where they belong. Here are all the mythical creatures of western folklore. The stately, beautiful, and powerful noble fey, the wild pooka and dangerous redcap, river and earth spirits, all sorts of nasties that go bump in the night, friendly brownies and clever animals, things that look like they'd like to eat you but are actually rather friendly, things that look friendly but would like to eat you, and things that look like they'd like to eat you and do so at first opportunity. Anything that you could find in a really old collection of folk and fairy tales would fit here. The only things they all have in common are that they are magic in some form or fashion, and they can all be harmed by cold steel and salt (though most often mundane weapons will work as well. Steel burns them while salt acts as a poison and they cannot even pass over it).

Steel Mages
Steel Mages aren't named so because they use steel, though some do for certain things. They are named such because they shackle people and power in chains of steel. While they may have some power on their own, they gain power by taking it. Mastering the Steel Mage's power requires all sorts of horrible acts. They in no way coax or ask for anything to happen. Rather, they prod and torture and drag it by the hair until they've bent things to their will. A Steel Mage only knows how to take and force. Partially because of their training and partially because of the effects of holding onto such power in such a wrong way, Steel Mages are all mad. It progresses the longer a person is one and the more powerful they are. This doesn't mean they're necessarily talking to potted plants, but they are definitely unhinged. Using the power like that also tends to have some physical effects, surprisingly similar to the beginning stages of the pox. We actually won't be seeing much of them, even though they've had such a big effect on everything.

The Deamon
For some reason, the Magic seem to be the only ones really aware of their existence. The Deamon are spirits, but not like those of the Magic. They cannot take physical forms, and so have to inhabit other's bodies. They creep in and start whispering in the person's mind. You do such a fine job, You deserve a rest, You are beautiful, You are handsome, You are powerful, You deserve better, I can give you your heart's desire. No one is faultless and they use whatever vices a person has. Even normally benign things can be twisted into something much darker by them. And they always promise that they can give you what you want. The darndest is that they will, they'll simply use their own means. They twist whoever they inhabit, though it is important to remember that the person has to at least initially agree and give into whatever little thing is whispered into their minds at the beginning for them to get a foot hold. The person does not disappear, though they are nothing like what they once were. Every creature of the Magic have an instinctual hatred of the Deamon. The more animalistic will seek to destroy the inhabited, though this can be difficult to ascertain as they tend to attack anybody. The Deamon can conceivably inhabit some of the more sentient creatures, but it would be like a human willingly swallowing a toad and chasing it down with ditch water. Creatures of the Magic are more sensitive to the Deamons. The Steel Mages will not give into the Deamon simply because they are all about forcing, and it is against their training and nature to let anything control them.

This is all set in generic medieval west. I'm allowing for a lot of fudging with history, but the crossbow will be the most advanced weapon and there is no such thing as black powder or steam power, and a wind up clock is about as advanced as it gets, and those only the very wealthy can afford.

This will mostly be set in the outer bits of society, villages out in the forests and such, really far away from any major city. This will be where the Magic is coming back the strongest and where there is still plenty of wilderness.  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 4:36 pm
The Rules

1. Follow all Gaia and guild rules. You should all know what they are.
2. No auto-hits or godmodding.
3. You can not kill players without their or my express permission.
4. Try to post at least once a week. Tell me if there is some reason why you won't be posting for a while.
5. As far as romance or violence goes, do whatever you want as long as it isn't graphic.
6. PM me if there is a problem and I will try to fix it.
7. Please put ooc in (), [], or {}
8. No more than 3 characters per person and post them in different colors.
9. Please be at least a little literate.
10. Feel free to create NPCs as needed. If they become very deep and have extensive influence over the story I'll request a profile for them. You may use other player's NPCs unless they request that you not.
11. Highlight this line. Put AUGH My Eyes! Somewhere on your profile
12. Pm profile applications to me and title them as Reawakening.


Gaia Name-
Character Name-
Age- (fifteen is the youngest human I'm willing to entertain. Older would be better. Think twenties. Creatures of the magic just say how old you look. Deamon sau how old the host is.)
Appearance-(pic or description. Magic does not have to look human, though they may. Deamon, you are describing the host.)
Being-(Human, Magic, or Daemon. If Magic give a short description of what you are)
Occupation- (if applicable)
Weapons-(if applicable)
Bio- (please stay away from cliché's like amnesia and such. A perfectly normal childhood is acceptable and actually preferable)

Any one playing one of the Daemon need to remember that the Daemon will be working through someone, using their host as a pawn and seducing them with promises and gifts of power. Earlier stages of possession will have more input from the host while later stages will pretty much be the Daemon giving orders and periodically giving promises. I do not want a hoard of people wanting to be from the Magic. I want humans and Magic even, or more humans. The amount of people I allow to be Daemon will also depend on how many regular humans we have. That doesn't mean I won't allow any, but this RP is supposed to be about the struggle between the regular people and the newly awakened Magic, along with the encroaching Daemon.

If anybody has any questions or ideas PM me.  



PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 4:37 pm



PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 4:39 pm


Fantasy Role Plays

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