The Report!

As we all know, this meeting was called to order because of Bliss no longer being able to be Co-Host, and Because Sabs wasn't yet back from her vacation. However Sabs had come back from her vacation a few days ago. So not wanting to waste a perfectly good meeting, Lady Angel and the others began a normal meeting.

News Room:

We first talked about the plot related to the News room. Deciding that the best version we could think of would be Shun's Idea.


"As the God descended to report about the gigantic party, Sara's News Team is there reporting about the issue. Hermes, being a big fan of mischief, saw interest in her. He then proclaim he'll be needing an assistant as Hephaestus is having a headache and the two of them are unable to control the situation. He then proclaims her as his assistant/helper/partner for the News Room and sends her to report on all the crazy/weird/dangerous things around the ball, just to see her suffer (it can give her an excuse if she wants to appear when Eris starts messing around with things). Then maybe he kidnaps her and her News Team or something."

For the second order of business, Poyudi Hytori and Sara announced their new Idea for the News room. Of which we'll be keeping secret until we've presented the Idea to Sabs.


The Plot Committee, Lady Angel reports, Has no news. They request that all Room Hosts send in their Finalized Plot for their approval, and state that they can help out any rooms needing a plot.


The Art committee requests that every host have their NPC's look finished and submitted to Broken at the announcement thread in the Room's Sub-forum, by Feb 14th.

The Art Committee also note being over worked, and in great need of more artists. They are currently looking into making an Ad in Gaia's Forum's for more artists.


We have raised over 3 million Gold so far! Being less then 2 mil from our Goal. After hearing this News, Poyudi Hytori reports that he is giving another 500k to the guild, and 234k from blueforest. Which means we will have about 4 million Gold, and less then 1 million to go!

Good luck everyone and keep that gold coming!


Poyudi Hytori reports that the January event is very active.

Shunatsu reports that she still needs a lot of help on the Feb Event, and is asking for ideas on a plot for it. Please go to her planing thread and help her out.

Lectern reports needing ideas for his Murder Mystery Event.

Closing Note:

Another week closer to the event in question, another week of adventures done. What will the following weeks bring? We can only wait and see.

Sara Out!!!!!!