this is part of my story. To understand it, i have to give you some background. This girl has been treated like crap by this guy... but she loves him. He has broken her heart again, and again, but she comes back, and puts up with it. but she has only met this boy once, and she had believed that she had felt something special. So she keeps in touch with him for a year over phone and internet. so this is right after she says goodbye to him again, and they hug. Tell me wat u think! I know i have grammar errors in here... just bear with me.

"And as always, we said goodbye. On the way home, out of nowhere, tears I had held in too long, spilled over. I realized it was the hug. This goodbye didn't touch me. We had parted far too many times. My emotions had built an immune system to his farewells, defended themselves against them. But the embrace, I had only gotten one of those, a year before. That word he had thrown at me, was just a few letters. The hug was real, a thing I could feel, and hold on to. It had substance. The hug had a successful strike where the angry words had never reached. As I thought this all out, and recognized it for what it was, the epiphany itself began to become substance, harden and mold itself. When I finally completed my understanding, I felt a jolt, and then a cracking deep within. I felt it, my love bleeding out. My revelation had had formed into a stake and driven itself into the small fissure that the caress had etched. The tiny crevice became a yawning canyon. I felt myself choking, and spluttering on the flood of wasted devotion that filled my lungs. I gasped as his face appeared in my mind, burning itself onto the back of my eyelids. Every time I closed my eyes, he was there, and my mind seared with hot hate. I couldn't stop the warm liquid that trickled and poured down my cheeks. The warm salt droplets ran into my mouth. I made a promise to myself then, that I would never taste this pain for him again. Ever."