[ Unashamed: The Monthly Newsletter ]
John 3:17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

[ Hello, this is (not) your Captain speaking. ]

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We have come to the season of planning wintry vacations, visiting family, building snowmen, candy and hot chocolate, Christmas carols, dashing here and there to find the perfect gift, and, of course, trying to find a way to fit church and religion into the hustle and bustle of the holidays. Unfortunately, I'm just as guilty of being caught up in other matters, and this newsletter won't contain much in the way of news because of that, as well as the lack of real activity within the guild.

It seems that Fushigi will be back around Christmastime, and she will be taking back full control of the guild upon her return. For the next few weeks, I'll still be your go-to guy, or longer, if you don't want to bring an issue to her attention. As it stands now, the only crew member really out of commission is Priestley, and we hope that won't be for much longer either. smile

[ Secret Santa ]

Yes, we DO have a guild Secret Santa this year, and the signup thread is located HERE. I'm hoping to get a nice long list going, and I'll be giving out assignments ABOUT 12/20, so you have plenty of time to get your name on it. If you do sign up, please remember to include something you might like that's within the gold limit (800g), unless you want a TOTAL surprise. And that's okay too. blaugh

[ And that other stuff ]

Again this month, I don't really have the time to put in a nice, thoughtful, Word from the Crew. I'm sure that everyone can see the connection between this month's verse and Christmas, and let it serve as a reminder. I'm sorry for flaking out two months in a row, guys. With more moderators in action, perhaps January will come with more time and inspiration for the entire crew.

Fushigi and I will be all over trying to get that interfaith discussion up and running (yes, I know we promise this a lot. We're working on it. Really. Really really). It seems the best time for everyone will be after the New Year, so we'll have more news about it then. Our New Year's Resolution, maybe. xd

[ Prayer requests ]

These are all the prayer requests that have come in during November. If you'd like to make comments and offer support, feel free to post in the individual prayer request threads inside the Prayer Request subforum


I know, these days it's almost impossible to find a family or household without financial problems, and recently, that's where most of my issues are stemming from. Every one of my debts are in collections right now, and two companies have decided to sue me over nonpayment. Even more unfortunately, one of my debts has my mother as a co-signer, so I'm dragging her credit (I'll be spending the next fifteen years or so rebuilding my own) down too.

The reason I haven't been paying my debts is because I barely have enough money to pay either my rent OR my bills each month... rarely both in the same month. Thus far, my roommate's mother and my father have been exceptionally generous in keeping us in the house, but we can't move because neither of us have the credit to pass the credit check for another place. My roommate's hours at work range anywhere between seven and thirty per week, usually only being more than twelve when someone else in the department is on vacation. My own hours are good, but I barely make over minimum wage. I applied for one job and was turned down, and have recently put in an application for another that includes benefits, vacation time, and MUCH more than minimum wage. My roommate is putting in an application at the same place as well.

In short, I'd like prayers that at least ONE of us can get this new job, if not both, and that our money troubles can start getting resolved to the point that it's not considered a crisis if we suddenly need to spend twenty dollars on something that we didn't forsee.

Hey, there's a girl and she just messaged me and told me about this ouiga board she used last night. And it told her that there were a whole bunch of evil spirits in her house, that she already knew were ther. It was just filling her in about them. And I just said, pray over your house, and I'm going to do that too to help her out, (and I don't know what she'll do), and i just wanna ask you guys to help her out in this. Really, where the devil is, there's always potential for God to provide some kind fo huge miracle, and I just wanna be able to ask him for that!!! smile plaease!

All my 22 years, I have believed in and worshiped Jesus. But the past few days, I've started doubting Him. I'm praying desperately and reading the Bible and asking my family to pray as well. My mom thinks it's due to my mental illnesses, but I think it really is a spiritual matter.

I don't know why I am doubting Him. I'm constantly terrified and have no peace. I'm close to resorting to hurting myself. I don't know what my problem is (why I'm doubting), but I would appreciate it so much if you would pray that Jesus will heal my relationship with Him.

freelance lover
Hey everyone.

I really need some prayers right now. A couple weeks ago I found a lump under my chin. I came down with a cold a few days later, so I assumed that it was just a swollen gland. I'm almost over my cold, and the lump remains the same size it was when I initially found it.

Since it's on the larger side, I'm absolutely terrified I have cancer. I did some research on the internet and while I know that most lumps in the neck area aren't cancerous, I'm still extremely nervous. I'm gonna see how it is the rest of the week, and if it's still there I'll be going to the doctor on Monday to get it checked out.

I just need lots of prayers that this lump goes away, or turns out to be something minor. If it is serious, I'll need a lot of prayers.

I'll be sure to keep you guys updated. Right now I just need some peace of mind.

Thanks guys, I really appreciate your support.

So I've struggled in the past with cutting, self-injury in general, depression, suicidalness [not sure of the word there], etc. And I've always just dealt with it on my own, sometimes with the help of friends. One of my friends suggested I go to counseling [she's been through the same and much worse and has gone to counseling] but I never did because my parents would have to know.
Now that I'm in college and am able to use the Student Counseling Service and not have my parents know, I finally made an appointment. I'm gonna be going on the 8th. I'm just really nervous about it. Please pray that it will be beneficial and that I will get a Christian psychologist/counselor!

[ Praise reports ]

We also like to praise God for what He's done in our lives, giving Him glory for the immense blessings He's given us. These are the praise reports that have been posted in November. If you'd like to praise along with them, or offer your own praise reports, you can do so in the Praise subforum

No praise reports came in during the month of November. While they may not have been posted, I'm sure that great events are happening in people's lives, and may we take this small moment to offer praise for all the little things. *moment of silence*

[ Comments, criticism, suggestions? ]

Thus concludes our newsletter. Tell us what you think, and, as always, feel free to suggest new and improved things. This is your guild too. 3nodding blaugh