Gaia Name: Keya Teh Spazz
Character Name: Kalypso
Age: Unknown. Looks to be 16/17
Species: Nereid
Powers: Slight control over water, speaks to fish and other sea creatures, breathes underwater, can turn her legs into a fish tail at will.
Eye Color: Light blue
Hair Color: Silver with blue tints.
Description: Kalypso is very tall and slender, and she tends to wear little to no clothing (it gets in the way underwater). Her skin takes a on a blue tint and her hair is frayed like a beach bums' (too much saltwater does that to your hair). Her eyes always seem animated and moving, and she has very long fingers (Helps when you have to harvest seaweed).
Kalypso is a very shy creature that tends to shimmy away from any attention. She's very subdued and quiet, preferring to spend her time alone or with few people. She's quite smart underneath all the shyness, and if she has an idea she might blurt it out, and then turn purple from embarrassment.
Overall, she's the kind of creature who'd rather let people pass her by than get up and go with them. But if something is interesting enough, she might follow it.

Likes: Water, cool colors, quiet, searching in the sand for shells, poetry, speaking to the oysters (very kind creatures).
Dislikes: Loud sounds, getting too dry, getting pushed into groups, sharks (the rudest of the sea creatures in her opinion).
References: Kalypso