Hello New Members, let me be the first to welcome you. biggrin

I've put this thread up to inform you on where you should start off on the guild. You don't necessarily have to do it in this order, but it's a fairly good idea, and you'll get yourself settled in much easier than if you just wander around aimlessly...

  • 1. Check out the rules. There aren't a lot of them, and they're easy to follow, so there should be no trouble. Also in the Rules thread is a list of all the Crew, and what they moderate for. This is useful information, so as members don't bog down only one crew member with PM's and questions.

  • 2. Head on over to the Introduce Yourself thread. People here will welcome you with open arms, they're all very nice.

  • 3. Make your way over to the Member's Updates thread, not to be confused with the Member's Status thread. In the MU thread, you can post your name, your goal in writing (try to make it as realistic as possible - but push yourself as well!), and your word/page count. A crew member will then create a profile for you in the MS thread. Please don't be worried if you don't see one for yourself for a bit - crew have real life things to do, too. smile Feel free to keep updating on the thread. You'll know your stats have been updated if you log on and see strike marks through your word/page counts.

  • 4. Check out the main discussion forums, but don't forget to check out the subforums as well!

See? Easy! I hope you can use the PYP guild to help you in your writing goals, and Good Luck!