Okay, so I love roelpalying but I don't have neough people to roleplay with! So I need some 1X1 Starters. PM me with ANY idea that comes to mind, and unless I'm completely against it in every way shape and form, I'll do it(:
I'm very open and I'm not very picky.

1. There has to be romance. Lots of it.
2. I love vampireXHuman stuff.
3. I love slaveXmaster stuff.
4. I'm not a sadist but I am a massochist so anything like that would work.
5. I don't like to wait a long time into the roleplay for romance to begin, or for something big to happen. So yea...

Please PM me with a starter or I'll give you one. I wanna RP! I'M DESPERATE! PLEASE!!! <3333