*Name: Harmony Marie Parker

*Age: Assuming Sonic is 16, Harmony is 14.

*Race: Hedgebird (Hedgehog Dove)

*Appearance: http://chaosangel111.deviantart.com/art/Harmony-s-redesign-135328467

Weapon: Harmony is a pacifest. She hates fighting. However, She'll use anything as a wepon for self defense.

*Type: Flying.

Magic: Harmony knows very little magic, however, her Locket has a powerful Magic that repels Dark Rose (Evil character of mine) and combine with the chaos emeralds (More then four preferibly) can focus the chaos emerald energy to preform an absoulute Miracle.

(Screw a Short BG! D:< No character should have short BGs!)

Harmony was the result of two teenagers who made a huge mistake. For the first two years of her life, Harmony grew up with her 16 year old mother and without her father. After shopping for some food, Harmony's Mother, Rosa Marie White, Went into a book store looking for childrens books. However, she ended up buying an old purple Book (Titled something in another language she couldn't reconize) and taking it home.
That night, Rosa tried reading from the ancient book, and actually managed to do so. After reading what she could, a Scream came from the book, along with some other cries being drowned out by the woman's scream. The book's dark aura started to climb up her arms, slowly begining to possess her. Rosa soon found her own screams filling the room, as she slowly lost every one of her five sences. Eventually, The aura surronded Rosa's whole body, and seeped into her skin, changing her white fur to a midnight black and her blue eyes into a blood red color. The New being began laugh at the two year old Harmony, as she grabbed the child and lifted her up harshly, ready to murder the child...
Her plans where spoiled by Echo, the 16 (but now 18 ) year old father that had ran off 2 years before. He had matured, and he came back origionally to fix what he had broken. However, he ended up saving his daughter's life from the monster Rosa had turned into. He dubbed the new being, "Dark Rose."
Harmony lived with her shockingly kind father for two years, before Dark Rose kidnapped her once again, threatning Echo that she would kill the baby girl if he didn't die for her. so, thats exactly what happened. Echo gave up his life to save his daughter, even if Dark Rose's intentions was to kill the baby girl after she killed her father.
However, the sacrifice of her father made him become her spirit protector, and also gave him the ability to repel Dark Rose. The reason Harmony is alive today is because if this resistance and repel magic that keeps Dark Rose away

Likes: Peaches, Chocolete, helping people, kindness, daytime, bright colors, and roller blading.

Dislikes: Pain, Hurting her friends (On occasion, she has to to save them though.) coller greens (How can anyone eat them anyway?! ugh!), Evil, Dark Rose, Darkness, and Night.

*Relations: She is related to Echo Edwin Parker And Rosa Marie White.

Crush: Harmony doesn't have an absolute crush at the moment, but she can easily fall for anyone.

Theme song: Fly me away (Theme I'm making up, Work in progress xD)

(I'll be posting other characters soon when I have more time. :3)