Its time for me to start recruiting one on one partners again. It seems that whenever I get one started, somebody bails. So with a heavy sigh I shall search for someone to RP with who is on Gaia for a couple of hours a day between three and eleven pm EST. But since I don’t want to get this topic locked I shall lay down rules.

Follow all Gaia ToS
No Cybering
PG-16 (No sex but we can have some heated kisses and clothes strewn every where. After that it’s a time skip to a couple of hours later or the next day)
Literacy please. At least five sentences per response. No one liners. Ugh they are so annoying
No text speak or **(({{[[}}]]))** for action. Even more annoying.

So now that rules are established lets talk about the Rps I have in mind. I have to have romance in my RP but it is possible for me to do different types of genres. Below is a list of time periods, RP pairings and a couple of short plots to do. Just send me a PM with the pairing as the title. If there is a plot with it simply put plot in parentheses beside the pairing. In the body of the Pm just put the time period you would prefer. That being said, have a look at my list. Hope to get a PM from you!

PS: I am willing to play both male and female characters but prefer female. If you really suck at playing a guy I will play it.

Time Periods Available

  • Greek/Roman ( B.C.)
  • Medieval ( around the eleven hundreds)
  • Renaissance
  • 19th Century (1800s)
  • Modern
  • Futuristic (only some)

The Pairings

  • Human x Human
  • Best Friend x Best friend’s sister/brother
  • Coach’s Daughter x Player
  • Elf x Human
  • God x Human
  • Goddess x Human
  • Prince x Princess
  • Prince x Commoner
  • Prince x Noblewoman
  • Princess x Commoner
  • Princess x Nobleman
  • Vampire x Human
  • Assassin x Assassin
  • Shifter x Human
  • Dark Angel x Light Angel
  • Arranged Marriage
  • Star Crossed Lovers (Romeo and Juliet-esque without the dying)
  • Angel x Human
  • Goddess x God
  • Immortal x Immortal

Some Plots

  • Prince x Commoner
    -A prince leaves duty as heir to the throne because he does not wish to wed. Instead he leaves. He is attacked by robbers and his rescuer is a healer. He decides to wed her instead of the bride chosen for him, not telling her of her identity until after they marry. Bringing her back to his kingdom, he wishes to prove her to be a good royal wife while falling in love with her in the process

  • Elf x Human
    -An elven woman is betrothed to another man while secretly in love with a human. Their love can never be but as the wedding day to her evil betrothed draws closer, she must choose. Go to the man she loves and leave her kingdom behind or do her duty even while carrying her lover’s child.

  • Goddess x Human
    -The daughter of a Goddess comes to Earth to help a man’s prayers of falling in love by playing matchmaker but finds herself falling for him instead