
There is a world balanced by two diet's of Light and Darkness. They watch over the world of Feyore. A peaceful world where the people enjoy their life on the farms, the villages and in the town of the castle, in the center of the continent of Ionia. Beautiful and treacherous mountain ranges, lush and quiet forests, calm bodies of the lakes and oceans, and scorching hot deserts make up this world. Some of the villagers around the world dig into the earth to uncover their past, as they are curious to see if this world was always peaceful. They are called seekers.
In a small town of black and sword smiths, a young girl lives with her father. her name is Rozetta, when she was 5 years of age her mother died of a mysterious illness and was left alone with her father. As the years past, her father taught her how to protect herself and as she grew older, Rozetta was able to surpass her father. Rozetta is a strong willed and stubborn girl, when there was a point where she couldn't go on in the training, she still got up and pushed herself beyond her limit. At age 14, she started to make weapon deliveries by herself and in her free time she practiced by herself deep in the forest at night.

Now at 18 years old she is the prodigy of her village and helps wherever she is needed. She is kind to her friends and villager's, but ruthless to every vicious beast she encounters. This story is about her adventures of what will come.

Chapter 1: The Meeting in the city of stone

The sky above is clear with specks of clouds dotting the sky and a small covered carriage rolls across the plains. The clanking of metal and the sound of the song birds floating across air and in the distant front view of the carriage is a large stone castle, a wall enclosing it and the city were people dwell. As the carriage crosses a stone bridge the gates to the city open. As the carriage enters the town people wounder from side to side, chit chatting and shopping. The bustling crowds in the this castle town move out of the way as the carriage makes it's way to the armory.