Hi! I'm rachel and I'm looking for a literate roleplayer.
I'm looking for a male or female(who plays male characters) to rp with. I don't really mind what the story is as long as its not:
and various others of which I have forgotten at the moment

I'm really just looking for a person who has orginal ideas and decent posts. I'd prefer having an undercurrent of romance, but not have it completely overpower the story line. I have long posts and expect my partner to have the same or at least a decent amount of text. The person should also be able to play various other characters if need be. And, even if it says onexone, I also don't mind having an rp with 3 or 4 people(including myself). I would prefer to play the female character, because even though I don't mind playing the male, recently that is the only gender my characters have been.

And now...
For your reading pleasure here is a sample of my work...
*extra note(while reading you will encounter the word Kemite. This was taken from a previous roleplay and a Kemite is based off the asian culture)

Raina had been wandering about in the night not paying attention to where she was going, a dangerous past time perhaps, but to Raina it was peaceful. Stars winked at her from the deep black blanket above, and a slight wind billowed her eccentrically patterned skirt around her legs showing that her feet were indeed bare. Because of the heat, the sleeves of her white peasant shirt were pushed up to her elbows allowing for freer movement, and a burgundy sash was wrapped loosely about her waist.

As she wandered, Raina danced along periodically twirling and clapping keeping time to a beat only known in her mind. Her eyes were closed intent on her dance, which hid their color and spark. To others she looked blissfully unaware of her surroundings, but instead she was listening closely, following each sound, and keeping an ear out for danger. As Raina heard approaching footsteps, she did one final twirl in which her waist-long, black, loose, hair followed her like a dark shadow.

Slowly she opened her eyes, as if awakening from a trance, revealing startling green eyes that seemed to glow catlike in the dark and contrasted deeply with her olive skin. She quickly glanced around her surroundings, unsure where she was exactly. These unknown surroundings, after a moment of thought however, did not faze her, and she once again looked about her only this time with a lazy confidence that could be seen in her slight smile. It was at this moment that Raina finally noticed a man who had been staring at her for quite some time now.

Her eyes narrowed assessing danger until they fell upon the bright orange sash. At this sight, her eyes widened visibly, shocked at his bright article of clothing that he wore even though he seemed fully Kemite despite his shoulder-length shocking red hair and maybe green eyes--for Raina could not tell from where she was standing frozen. Without thinking, she had gathered her skirt in her arms and dashed to where the young man was standing. She stopped just shy of four feet from where he stood. Her eyebrows furrowed in concentration as she peered at his face, where she realized that yes, his eyes were indeed green...or rather eye; curiously he was wearing an eye-patch. Confused she remained in this state for a couple minutes before breaking the silence.

"Hello...?" A strange tilt in her voice made the greeting sound like a question, most likely because of her bewilderment. Her eyes quickly glanced at his bright sash once more. Raina was becoming clearly more frustrated and uncertain by the second. Trying to grasp at reality more fully, she added to the greeting, "I am Raina." At these words, she let go of her concerns and her full, red lips slowly curved into a smile at the young man before her.