Prices vary from time to time because I decide to change them a lot. The current prices are:
Heads- 10k Waist- 15k Full- 20k Chibi- 4k Couples head: 30k (plus an extra 10k for extra besides the two) Couples waist: 40k (plus an extra 10k for extra besides the two) Couples full: 50k (plus an extra 10k for extra besides the two) Your avi as an animal cartoony- 10k Your avi as an animal normal- 15k
Darn it! I don't have that much gold. Sorry! But your art is really really really good!!!
Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 8:48 am
Those prices are for coloured versions right? I really like your last sample picture. (No, not the fact that her bottom is showing ROFL.) I like the style of it and the colouring. :]